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Thread: 747 Fuel Dump

  1. #21
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: 747 Fuel Dump

    About a fortnight before 9/11 we were on a night flight over the Adriatic and asked to go up on the flight deck. Permission granted we flew up the whole of Italy on the deck with the crew who confirmed the 99% boredom syndrome. 'Its only the take off and landing we are here for, then we really take our life in our hands on the motorway drive home from the airport!'

    As it was night and no one was looking they took us through a whole series of procedures like shutting down two engines, getting the stall alarms to sound, dropping 10000 feet very quickly and numerous other scary things for the unintiated, just for entertainment value and to see the look on our faces. No doubt nothing bad, but I felt safer up on the deck than being with the passengers. Light aircraft where you could tap the pilot on shoulder also seem less frightening!

    Have had the occasional bad landing, but fortunately nothing too bad.

    I always feel better with my feet on the ground though!

  2. #22
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: 747 Fuel Dump

    Light aircraft where you could tap the pilot on shoulder also seem less frightening!
    It depends who the pilot is Ian I used to be a pilot a hundred years ago Now I will do a gentle 45 degree turn, noo not 45 degree upright, more interesting upside down. Not really; I only used to do stuff like that to put the wind up the instructor. I didn't get to be called dangerous davis for nothing

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