One thing that troubles me regarding this camera is that it doesn't appear to have an eye level viewfinder built-in. I have trouble composing an image using live-view with the camera held a distance from my eye. A 2.7 inch LCD would just not be large enough to see small details of the image. Additionally, I have never been keen on using live-view when the sun is at my back but, that just may have been a function of the cameras I was using because the image shown on the LCD has always been a bit washed out from flare.
The manual for this camera admits that it may be difficult to view the monitor under bright direct sunlight (page. 100).
In order to get eye-level, reflex viewing with this camera, it appears you have to purchase an accessory electronic viewfinder which here in the USA costs in the area of $200+ US Dollars and increases the overall size of the camera.
That would bring the price of this camera above what I think you are considering paying, There is an optical viewfinder which is considerably cheaper but, I wouldn't even consider that option because it eliminates through the lens viewing and could introduce some bad parralax problems.
I understand that a lot of folks are perfectly happy using the LCD viewfinder to compose their shots. However, I just wanted to mention this to you so that you walk into the purchase with your eyes open.
A definite positive for the camera is that it allows you to shoot RAW as do virtually all DSLR cameras. IMO, RAW capture is the way to go and if you are working with a camera that only cptures JPEG images, you will be working under a disadvantage in the future.