Unusual indeed, Philip.
I think the challenge to produce a high quality photograph is going to be in getting the lines and shapes that the bridge offers isolated from the background. Those houses and trees are not going to help. And, of course, to create the artistic image of those shapes and lines, your probably going to want it free of people (which is difficulty giving that that is the intended user group!
I think the third image starts to get you towards that. But, of course, we lose all sense that it is a bridge.
Mmm. A fascinating challenge. You could easily get engrossed in that as a photographic project for weeks on end.
Thank you, Donald. You are right regarding the background - the bridge is surrounded by other buildings. I shot the second photo from the angle that seemed to minimise their intrusion. This bridge has interesting lines and shapes and, as you suggest, I will keep returning to explore its potential. The people were included deliberately to show its scale but, with hindsight, they are probably a distraction.
It's certainly an interesting bridge Philip. Image 1 gives an overall view of the bridge but it appears that there may be no vantage point for a photographer to capture the total shape of the bridge as effectively as he or she would like.
Image 2 is the most appealing to me "photographically".
Cheers Dave