Absolutely not Kris!
If her Mum likes it, that's fine (she's obviously biassed (I mean that in a nice way)), but it is a very good reason to 'make the effort' as you say.
I think you were on the correct lines with the B&W idea, but I do prefer Chris's crop and treatment of the shot, posted while I was writing my initial reply.
If you want high key (or low key), it generally has to be planned that way; with a background choice/lighting and clothing to match. High key = light toned background and that isn't going to happen with just the on-camera flash of a P&S, at least not without a lot of careful choices being made and balancing the ambient lit background with fill from flash.
Mark's subsequent attempt is more in harmony with yours and attempts to make a low key from it, but it also suffers from the subject merging into background, when (with experience even I don't have), I feel it
can be achieved, but not without a lot of practice/experience/knowledge/luck. Mark's highlight treatment is better.
Without wishing to appear rude about the young lady, there are several issues with this pose that could have made it a more flattering shot for general viewers who don't know her, apart from any lighting issues.
If you get a chance to reshoot
and the model is willing to be gently directed, you might want to try;
shooting from level with her or even slightly above
have her other hair 'bunch' in front of her right shoulder
get a little further away and shoot with a longer focal length
get more distance between subject and background
I really don't feel qualified to give this level of advice, at least, not with any personal/practical experience - all I am doing is reacting to what I see in this one shot and suggesting what to avoid 'next time' - it
should help (I hope).
It really is something
I should try, especially with a P&S, which is on my "Santa's list" for when I don't have the DSLR to hand.