Antonio, I think this is a very fun image with good energy.
As far as critique goes, I'm not sure the shutter speed is best? I think faster would be better and I also think slower would be better - just to get a little less or a little more motion blur with the pigeons.
What do you think?
Lovely shot.
I also love the shadows of the pigeons.
I also viewed the larger version which works much better for me. This smaller one left me wanting more of the child, but I put in the extra effort and viewed it larger, much better. So it's me not you.
Graham H
Thank you for your comments
@ Brian
1/250 f/6.3 ISO 50 Canon 5D 40mm on a 24-70 Aperture priority.
I agree with you regarding the shutter speed. A lower speed would have been better but to be honest, I didn't think of it at the moment. I would rather a lower speed than a faster one as I think the motion of the pigeons is important in the image. There was lots and lots of light...
However, it came out pretty well in spite of the speed and angular used because the animals were quite near me.
@ Graham
I do not remember the previous version of this image but I think it wouldn't be much different from this one, would it ?
Anyway, I think I work better the photos (on the computer) now than some time ago.
Last edited by Antonio Correia; 30th October 2011 at 07:50 PM.
I have been to that place - I think.
Delhi, India ?
Not exactly but ... I don't remember but it is near.
I have tried Google Images and... Jama Masjid, Delhi
Thanks Antonio. Yup that's the one.