No, not as a result of surgery, contacts or other physical manipulations!
Rather, as you gain more experience, how has your taste changed in imagery?
Both in terms of your appreciation of anothers imagery and in terms of the shots you take/create yourself?
I ask this cos I am currently doing a promo shoot (local dancehall, Mask Ball). Virtually everyone is wanting the same limited poses (full frontal or slightly turned - which I do for them). When I get them to pose for me beyond that, sometimes they like (usually), sometimes not. HOWEVER, others watching almost always love the 'new' pose more than the more common pose (and then the viewers cameras come out and a shooting match ensues (in good fun) with us all trying to get to the best position for the shot).
My wife is used to being photographed and she much prefers the less common poses (for herself as well as others, as do I).
So, is it a case of 'familiarity breeds contempt', boredom with the same old thing, appreciation for other artistic factors?
Love to hear your input.
Graham H
(getting ready for the second mask ball shoot)
Other examples of 'controversial' poses. The David Bailey type where the top of the head is out of frame (or other parts of the body are not fully shown, e.g. a foot it out of frame - leaving a leg as a leading line), selective focus (either via DoF or panning),