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Thread: Tulle - what great material

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Grand Cayman, GT
    Real Name
    Graham Heron

    Tulle - what great material

    Until recently I was extremely tentative (polite way of saying I was a scaredy cat) of portraiture. Due to a willing volunteer (lucky guy to have such a wife), I am getting over it and exploring new areas.
    This is the first attempt, I feel her legs need to be twisted slightly more to the right (our pov) and some type of backdrop. Suggestions? Ideas. Currently thinking abstract smoke, lowish opacity.

    All help willing accepted - may not be acted upon immediately, but will be dutifully considered.
    Graham H

    Tulle - what great material

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Tulle - what great material

    Forgetting backgrounds for a moment.

    Just a casual thought, Graham. but I'm not sure about her rather scared expression, as though she is trapped within the material.

    I wonder if a more 'sensual' pose might work better. An idea that she is enticing the viewer to join her within a comforting veil of material.

  3. #3
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Tulle - what great material

    Hi Graham,

    Unusual shot and i like it, it took a while before i noticed the wings!

    can i ask what focal length you shot at? the foreground stuff, hands and feet seem large, The light seems very even maybe a little too even? lacking a bit of depth. Maybe a little powder on cheeks and forehead to take away the shine?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Grand Cayman, GT
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    Graham Heron

    Re: Tulle - what great material

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Forgetting backgrounds for a moment.

    Just a casual thought, Graham. but I'm not sure about her rather scared expression, as though she is trapped within the material.

    I wonder if a more 'sensual' pose might work better. An idea that she is enticing the viewer to join her within a comforting veil of material.
    Yup, I was going with 'Trapped'. As if I've netted and Angel (Wife called Angela, I call her Angel A, and there is no Angel B). Hence the agitated expression. The black tulle hopefully added a 'darker' feel, rather than white tulle (never mind contrast issues with the backdrop). I have more 'sensual' ones (to be posted........).
    Focal length 26mm
    Home studio, very tight for space, especially once the backdrop was up, move the model far enough away to minimise shadow effects. We've all been there. Angel was somewhat reluctant to emote more extremely. So I was thining of this being a more concept shot, a starting point for better things.
    I certainly want to explore the more sensual side with the tulle. I certainly love the subject (and she's not reading this over my shoulder).

    Graham H

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Grand Cayman, GT
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    Graham Heron

    Re: Tulle - what great material

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    Hi Graham,

    Unusual shot and i like it, it took a while before i noticed the wings!

    can i ask what focal length you shot at? the foreground stuff, hands and feet seem large, The light seems very even maybe a little too even? lacking a bit of depth. Maybe a little powder on cheeks and forehead to take away the shine?
    Focal length 26 mm.
    Yes, I'm too close, space issues. I never even noticed the size discrepancy thanks for the heads up. Definitely need to turn more sideways to minimise that. as well as compositionally.
    Lighting - believe it or not, there is a side/slightly back light (camera left), but the wings aren't picking it up. I see what you mean about the light being a little too even (too straight on), so I can move the light around a little. I can get around another 15 degrees to enhance the nose shadow. As you can see, the light is currently around 45 degrees forward of the subject. Another 15 away from camera would also enhance side light I hope.

    Face shine - yup. Again, I need to get used to checking these small details, makes a difference. I can do it PP but I'd rather shoot the model more.

    Thanks for your comments.

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