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Thread: Photoshop

  1. #21

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Content aware Fill? More control over selections - Layer Masks - Compositing - Batching - Actions - Smart objects - Pen Tool/Paths ...
    I believe that PSE has had Content Aware Fill added to its repertoire since PSE 9.
    Layer Masks have been available in PSE for quite some time (I have 7 and I believe it was in PSE prior to that).

    Actions may be useful for someone who does the same process time and again. I don't do a lot of batch photography (such as studio shoots where the dust spots are in the same position everytime or the lighting needs to be adjusted the same way everytime). I am unsure where Actions would be of significant use for the normal photographer? What else can be done with it? (no such thing as a problem, merely an opportunity to improve).

    I've heard of Smart objects and don't understand them (haen't had time to google).

    Selections? Lots of ways to do so already (quick select, select wizard and so on), what is the extra value of the Pen Tool?

    As to the others, what do you find is their significant value over other methods (if they exist). Do they make a large differrence in your workflow, in the quality of the image, in the manipulation of the image? If so, it may be worthwhile to upgrade, but I don't know (hence my earlier request).


  2. #22
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop

    Actions are important to me... I like to frame my images with a black-white-black border.


    This is not a post debating whether this border is appropriate but, rather that it takes several steps to make this border... With an action set up, I can surround my image with a border with one click.

    When I was working on my China galleries, I had several hundred images that I needed to surround with the border. I actually ended up with a repetitive motion injury in my right index finger which needed surgery to correct . If I had an action set up to frame my image, I would not have had that problem.

    I realize that PSE has frames which can be place on images with a single click. However, I wanted my images to match. I can set up my traditional frame in PSE-8 but, I don't think that I can do it with actions.

    I am attending a free PSE-9/10 mini course and will ask the instructor Tuesday night if the newer versions of PSE accomodate frames.

  3. #23

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by beechdale basher View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I am looking at purchasing my first copy of Photoshop. I am currently using a trial copy of elements 10.

    Being quite new to DSLR I am not particularly interested in going down the "arty route". I would just like to tidy my photographs and make them presentable. I prefer to be outside taking photographs rather than inside tinkering with them.

    Most of my images will be wildlife/birds/scenery.

    Which is likely to be the best package for me.
    I am also a relative newbie to digital photography, and have been struggling with this issue. I found that, to start with, shootiing in RAW, that the free software provided by the manufacturer--Canon in my case, is much more intuitive than either Elements or GIMP or Raw Therapy (spelling?). You may find that trying out your manufacturer's free software takes you more quickly to where you want to go.
    Hope this helps.

  4. #24
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    Re: Photoshop

    I stand corrected. Apparently, there is a way to use actions in PSE. I did not read the entire web page but here it is...

  5. #25

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    I believe that PSE has had Content Aware Fill added to its repertoire since PSE 9.
    Layer Masks have been available in PSE for quite some time (I have 7 and I believe it was in PSE prior to that).
    Hi Graham,

    You could well be right - I don't use PSE, so was just going from memory. Sounds like they've added a lot in recent editions.

    Actions may be useful for someone who does the same process time and again. I don't do a lot of batch photography (such as studio shoots where the dust spots are in the same position everytime or the lighting needs to be adjusted the same way everytime). I am unsure where Actions would be of significant use for the normal photographer? What else can be done with it? (no such thing as a problem, merely an opportunity to improve).
    They just speed things up.

    I've heard of Smart objects and don't understand them (haen't had time to google).
    They allow you to go back to ACR after you've already passed the image through to PS, for further adjustment.

    Selections? Lots of ways to do so already (quick select, select wizard and so on), what is the extra value of the Pen Tool?
    It's actually pretty handy in that it allows you to have total control of a selection, and get a very clean selection of very complicated objects. Used most (personally) for selecting object from backgrounds in product shoots.

    As to the others, what do you find is their significant value over other methods (if they exist). Do they make a large differrence in your workflow, in the quality of the image, in the manipulation of the image? If so, it may be worthwhile to upgrade, but I don't know (hence my earlier request).
    At the end of the day, PS just has a wider range of tools - and each of the tools has more "accessories". For me, not having Bridge and access to all the tabs in ACR would be a show-stopper if I only had PSE.

  6. #26
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    Layer Masks have been available in PSE for quite some time (I have 7 and I believe it was in PSE prior to that).
    Hi Graham, although the actual Layer Masks weren't added to Elements until level 9, it certainly was possible to achieve that functionality through a work-around by using the Adjustments Layer Mask, then attaching the adjustment layer to the layer you wanted to mask.

    It's really a moot point as the net effect was that layer mask functionallity was available to those that knew the workaround much earlier than Elements 9.

    It seems that there are a lot of Photoshop 'capability' in Elements. Not all of it is in the same form as it is in Photoshop. You may need to know how to implement it or have the appropriate add-in.
    Last edited by FrankMi; 10th November 2011 at 11:28 PM.

  7. #27

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    Re: Photoshop

    Hi Frank,
    I agree with the workaround comment, and it really is such a simple workaround as well.
    There is even a workaround for curves, but it is somewhat more involved, so something such as Smartcurve (plugin, freeware) obviates that. Curves was the one function I really wanted and when I got Lightroom, then it didn't matter.

    Colin, the Smart objects sounds interesting, but (for myself) I cannot see myself wanting to adjust something in ACR after I enter Photoshop (Elements or CS#), so (for me) the value is likely to be minimal. Of course I don't make money from my pics, so a better photographer or pro may want that extra functionality.

    In the long run, each to their own as long as each is happy with their own decision and end result.

    Anyone used the Puppet warp function (if that's what it is called) where you can reposition limbs and such? As a dancer that sounds interesting. I may not be able to do it in real life, but I could fake it in PS ().

  8. #28
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    Anyone used the Puppet warp function?
    I've used it a couple of times in addition to doing exercised in training materials. In the following image, the Blue Eyes Fuchsia was hanging straight down and droopy. Due to lack of cropping room I had to use Puppet Warp to get a more interesting angles on the flower stems. There are times when it is the only thing that will help save an image.


  9. #29

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    Colin, the Smart objects sounds interesting, but (for myself) I cannot see myself wanting to adjust something in ACR after I enter Photoshop (Elements or CS#), so (for me) the value is likely to be minimal. Of course I don't make money from my pics, so a better photographer or pro may want that extra functionality.
    To be honest, I don't use them much either -- they're only good up until the point where you want to start making non-global changes.

    Anyone used the Puppet warp function
    Occasionally. It's useful where you have for example a straight horizon, but a crooked pole, and a simple rotation won't fix it.

  10. #30

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Due to lack of cropping room I had to use Puppet Warp to get a more interesting angles on the flower stems.
    Sometimes another approach is to use content aware fill to extend the background, to give you more cropping room.

  11. #31

    Re: Photoshop

    Just an additional factor: Adobe have now announced that in future the "cheap" upgrade to the latest version of Photoshop will apply only to the immediately previous version. That is, when Photoshop CS6 arrives, the upgrade (£165 instead of £590) can be used only with CS5. Up to now, the upgrade has worked with the three previous versions. Most amateur photographers (and quite a few pros I know) would upgrade only every 2 or 3 releases, but no more, putting up the cost of ownership dramatically.

    I have CS5 (upgraded from CS3) but it will probably be my last Photoshop.

  12. #32
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Sometimes another approach is to use content aware fill to extend the background, to give you more cropping room.
    Good point Colin. At the time I worked this image I had Photoshop just a short time and was amazed that I could get it to do something, anything this unexpected!

    To me, this is an excellent reason to NOT post process all the images from a shoot all at once. I can now go back and take a similar image from the same shoot and likely do a much better job with what I've learned from the folks at CiC over the past 6 months.
    Last edited by FrankMi; 15th November 2011 at 01:15 PM.

  13. #33

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    Re: Photoshop

    thats a good reason to always save the original file,cheers martyn

  14. #34

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    Re: Photoshop

    Just got done reading all of your posts and thru this you have answered most of my questions with out me having to ask the question!! Thankyou, this is a great website!!

  15. #35
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    Re: Photoshop

    how much money do you want to spend? elements is under $100.
    Photoshop keeps changing versions and it costs a lot more money. I have used CS4 and CS5. the CS5.5 is out now, but our school has not upgraded. there might be a CS6 around the corner.
    elements has all the basic tools, PS is not user friendly. It can be very powerful if you are willing to spend the money and the time learning it. ali

  16. #36

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by alihil View Post
    CS5.5 is out now
    Hi Ali,

    CS5.5 isn't for regular computers -- it's for mobile devices like iPads. CS6 will be the next one for "big computers".

  17. #37

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    Re: Photoshop

    Colin, the Smart objects sounds interesting, but (for myself) I cannot see myself wanting to adjust something in ACR after I enter Photoshop (Elements or CS#), so (for me) the value is likely to be minimal. Of course I don't make money from my pics, so a better photographer or pro may want that extra functionality.
    Going back to Graham's remarks.

    I often convert Raw files to Smart Objects as this allows me to easily create two different conversions, which are perfectly aligned etc, and can then be combined with masks etc to extend their range.

    Similar to HDR effect but from just one shot. OK, it doesn't have quite as much range as a number of carefully exposed shots but does make a significant improvement over just one Raw conversion.

    To create these Smart Objects, hold Shift Key while clicking Open Image, which creates the first Smart Object. Then right click the layer (in the Layers Menu) and select New Object via Copy. A duplicate Smart Object appears. Double clicking this layer thumbnail returns you to ACR where you can alter the conversion settings. Click OK when ready.

    There are a number of other things which can be achieved with Smart Objects but, so far, I haven't required anything else.
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 24th November 2011 at 09:48 AM.

  18. #38

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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by beechdale basher View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I am looking at purchasing my first copy of Photoshop. I am currently using a trial copy of elements 10.

    Being quite new to DSLR I am not particularly interested in going down the "arty route". I would just like to tidy my photographs and make them presentable. I prefer to be outside taking photographs rather than inside tinkering with them.

    Most of my images will be wildlife/birds/scenery.

    Which is likely to be the best package for me.
    Returning to Peter's original question.

    A friend has just informed me that he saw Elements 10 advertised by a UK computer shop company for £30 instead of the usual price of £80.

    He visited his local branch where it was on sale for the full price. So he mentioned the offer price to an assistant who didn't know anything about it, but asked the manager who was also unaware of any offer.

    However, after a phone call, the manager said that it was an internet only offer.

    My friend asked about the company policy of place an order on the internet but collect from your local branch. The manager agreed and suggested that if my friend would accompany him to the branch office they could purchase this software through the branch computer system.

    And my friend walked out with his discount copy of Elements 10. But if you don't know about the offer, the shop price is still £80.

  19. #39
    krispix's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Returning to Peter's original question.

    A friend has just informed me that he saw Elements 10 advertised by a UK computer shop company for £30 instead of the usual price of £80.

    He visited his local branch where it was on sale for the full price. So he mentioned the offer price to an assistant who didn't know anything about it, but asked the manager who was also unaware of any offer.

    However, after a phone call, the manager said that it was an internet only offer.

    My friend asked about the company policy of place an order on the internet but collect from your local branch. The manager agreed and suggested that if my friend would accompany him to the branch office they could purchase this software through the branch computer system.

    And my friend walked out with his discount copy of Elements 10. But if you don't know about the offer, the shop price is still £80.
    I'm confused. I'm only aware of this offer on Amazon who have no High Street outlets. However, the offer has now expired although you may still get a deal on their rolling discount scheme. They'll discount something (quite heavily) for 15 minutes or so. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.

  20. #40

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    Re: Photoshop

    This was PC World. I don't know if the offer is still available but my friend only e mailed me 2 days ago.

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