Originally Posted by
Geoff F
Just a couple of extra thoughts, Tyler.
If you make a substantial reduction in size the image may become slightly soft and require a little sharpening to firm things up a little. I normally use Unsharp Mask around 50% at 0.5 radius, but this isn't a fixed amount and other people may use different settings.
Also, regarding size reduction. It is often recommended to use the Bicubic Sharpener option when making reductions but personally, I don't like the results, which is why I prefer to use the Standard Bicubic options then sharpen as required with Unsharp Mask.
Secondly, what compression ratio do you use when exporting your Jpeg's?
The Best Quality Jpeg setting may still produce a rather large file; while reducing the quality slightly makes a substantial size saving without too much quality loss.
But you will have to be guided by what the user prefers.