When you say 'pocket camera' what do you mean? What is the make and model?
Both images do, I believe, illustrate your ability to compose a good image.
However, both images have significant problems and I wonder if you agree with this? The problems are primarily, I think, based on exposure. I am assuming that your camera is a 'point and shoot' type and that you did not have or exercise control over shutter speed, aperture setting etc. Please do correct me if I am wrong.
Hi Donald, and welcome Febriana,
The EXIF shows it to be an Olympus VG310 or D710 (dual model names for different countries I expect)
The moon shot was 1/8s, f/3.4 at 800 iso at 8.3mm (no 35mm equivalent focal length is avaiable in data) and the flash fired.
Therefore I suspect it is a P&S with a small sensor and little control over auto, but I haven't looked it up yet.
Must dash,
Whatever settings are used for this sort of scene will involve a shutter speed which is little too slow for hand held shots and will result in camera shake. So I would advise using a tripod, or other means to steady the camera for a sufficiently long exposure.
This would also enable the use of a lower ISO which will help to control 'noise'.