Here are two images taken recently on the North Cascades Hwy in Washington State. They were taken within several hours of each other on a fairly bright day and show quite a bit of haze, or so it seems to me; despite the use of a polarizing filter. If I'm thinking about it - as I'm standing there looking - I can see the haze all right but if I'm not thinking about it I'm not conscious of it and just see a beautiful image with my eyes. It's not really apparent on the camera's LCD screen but it's very overwhelming as soon as the image shows up on the computer monitor. Then I spend all kinds of time trying various stunts to mitigate it, hence the variations in the sky and other things between the two images.
I know this is a common problem but I would like to have a better solution to it, besides just shooting earlier or later. For these landscape images, would a longer lens help (#1 is heavily cropped)? GND filter? Thanks for some guidance!