Amazing clouds. Thanks for sharing.
Hello and welcome to CiC. And thanks for coming straight in with an image for C & C.
You certainly got the exposure on the sky correct. But in doing so we unfortunately have lost detail on the land and the buildings. What we need in this sort of situation is the means to balance up the dynamic range (of light) in some way so that we can keep detail across the whole image.
A number of us believe the appropriate route to go with that is via the use of graduated neutral density )GND) filters on the front of the lens. Other use a technique known as High Dynamic Range (HDR) which involved setting your camera to take three images at different exposure settings and then blending them together.. And then there are others who hold to the view that you can achieve good results via the use of the 'filters' available in some post-processing software packages.
Now, obviously, I don't know how you rate your own knowledge and skill levels and whether the above words and phrases are familiar to you or not.
But if your aim is to learn and develop photographically, then CiC is certainly the place to be. As well as this forum, on which you will receive support and advice and answers to any questions you have, there are the tutorials which are very highly rated amongst the photographic community both on here and elsewhere.
And finally in this your introductory posting:- So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi Donald,
Thank a lot for the detailed sharing and much appreciate that, which is certainly demonstrating the rich knowledge and strong support from such great forum. Am a bit overwhelm and now I know I've found a very good forum as my 'mentor' to build up my skill. In fact, I've learnt a lot by just browsing through various tutorials available.
For myself, I've just updated the profile. And do familiar with the usage of filter and HDR technique mentioned, I'll tried to make use of it and share more photo. Love to hear the comments from you afterward.
Cheers, Elvis![]()