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Thread: Show us your Animal!

  1. #81
    kentruth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    coastal Georgia
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    Lesley Irene

    Re: Here's Rox

    Just one of 7 whippets and 2 parrots that I share my home with named Marina, "Kentruth One Particular Harbor"

    Show us your Animal!

    (oh & the gams in the background are those of the husband of almost 31yrs)

  2. #82
    rpcrowe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Southern California, USA
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    Re: Here's Rox

    A couple of my recent shots for I am pretty sure that I have not previously posted these...

    Mary - benchmark record shot on arrival from the shelter. She is a year old and was on the euthanasia list at the Long Beach, California, shelter. She is healthy and has a wonderful personality. She was almost a victim of the severe overcrowding due to many owners negligence in letting their animals breed indiscriminately. Spaying and neutering saves lives!

    I try to always shoot a benchmark record shot so we can judge how much the rescue has progressed. I don't worry about composition, arms in the frame, etc. for the benchmark shots. The rescues usually smell so bad that we want to get them bathed ASAP. Sometimes however, they smell so bad that they must go into the sink first!

    Show us your Animal!

    Mary - after my wife groomed her...

    Show us your Animal!

    Show us your Animal!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 31st December 2012 at 01:44 AM.

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