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Thread: Dunes vs. Grass

  1. #1
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Robert Farkas

    Dunes vs. Grass

    Hello all, looking for some C&C on this one. Been on the 'fence' re: if I've overdone it in post, if the wheat grass chaos is too distracting to salvage, etc...

    Thanks in advance!

    Dunes vs. Grass

  2. #2
    KeithH's Avatar
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    Re: Dunes vs. Grass

    The first thing I noticed Robert was the sloping horizon, great for water skiers without a boat but a no-no in a photograph. Secondly, my eye is struggling to find any sort focal point around which the image is built, there just seems to be a conflicting series of elements. There is the zig-zag lines of the two fences, the vertical of the fence posts and grasses, many of which have their heads decapitated and then the swirly feel of the clump of grass in the bottom right. I won't comment on colour as I'm using my old laptop with a rubbish screen. I think I can see what you were after but it hasn't quite come off in my opinion, for what it's worth. Good try tho'.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Dunes vs. Grass

    The first thing I noticed Robert was the sloping horizon, great for water skiers without a boat.

    Yet the fence appears, more or less, vertical. However in this particular case, I suspect that a level horizon would be the more natural option.

    And I agree with Keith about the seed heads which need to be fully in the picture. Cropping slightly on the left would lose part of the distraction caused by too much grass but there are still too many stalks which run out of frame at the top.

    A couple of stalks going 'over the top' might be acceptable but there are too many 'lost heads' from this angle.

  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Dunes vs. Grass

    mmmm make the horizon level and re post.... think it will make a difference...

  5. #5
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Robert Farkas

    Re: Dunes vs. Grass

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    mmmm make the horizon level and re post.... think it will make a difference...
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, appreciate it! I've trimmed the heads on most of the wheat grass, which does help, however I went past the point of no return on the horizon; can't seem to make my fully readjusted image look as sharp and balanced as the original. Will file this one and have another go at it when we revisit the site. Thanks again...

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