I agree with you about air travel being a pain, however it is the only way to fly.
X-Rays would fog film if it was the older roll films (127, 120, 220, 620 etc.) which were just wrapped in paper, but film in a metal canister (35mm) was fine. Film in a camera was OK as long as it was metal bodied.
I can't imagine how X-Rays would have any effect on a memory card or anything else in the camera. If it did there would be huge signs up warning you not to put your camera, phone, MP3 player, Laptop, Tablet, etc. through any scanner.
There was a scare recently about Gamma Rays (or something) at high altitudes blasting the sensors in you camera and after a dozen flights you might as well throw it away. I doubt this has any foundation at all and it's probably just another scare-story.