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Thread: Hello All

  1. #1
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    Hello All


    Found CiC while looking for information on lens diffraction limits. I found the site appealing as it covers all skill levels, has very useful articles and a very friendly set of members.

    I've been taking photographs on and off since I was a teenager, originally to record the merchant ships I had seen. About 25 years ago I got very interested in portraiture, bought a Bronica SQ-a and a set of Elinchrom lights and managed to get quite a bit of part time work until my personal life went belly up.

    Newly retired I'm hoping to do that again, but digital is a very different playing field so I am hoping to learn a lot here.


  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All

    Welcome Chris, look foward to chatting with you and seeing your work.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Hello All

    Found CiC while looking for information

    That is how many of us ended up here, Chris.

    Digital editing can seem a bit complicated at first but the basics aren't that different from film developing; you just do it on a computer instead of in a darkroom.

    How are you finding retirement? I took early retirement last year and just can't find enough time for everything that I wish to do.

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All

    Hi Chris, also being retired, we have much in common. The biggest thing I'm learning about digital photography is the part the digital darkroom plays in bringing out the best in an image. I've been amazed at how much better some of my earlier shots are now that I'm starting to learn Post Processing in Photoshop.

  5. #5

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    Re: Hello All

    Hello I'm one of your latest members. It was by accident I found your site, it looked good, so here I am I have two digital cameras, the first is a Kodak 3600, given to me for my 25th wedding anniversary (That was some time ago) We celebrated our 40th this year (September) & My Good Lady allowed me to have another camera as I had been using my sons Canon Powershot S3 IS for the past 2yrs or more. My latest camera is a Finepix 2800HD. Perhaps not as good, but the main reason for purchase was cost. I am still trying to get to grips with it. I have recently been asked to take on a photogaphic group with U3A (University of the Third Age). This where you come in I have been a bit on the slow side getting to know my camera. I have now put myself into the position of having to stretch myself & to get the knowledge , not a bad thing really.

    Perhaps you might be wondering about my username, it is a combination of my second Christian name & My Good Lady's second Christin name. I will answer to most things OI!! being the most common My real name is Peter, Pete if you prefere. I'm looking forward to getting to know this site better as time goes by.

  6. #6
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All

    Welcome on board, Peter. It's nice to hear of a guy that refers to his wife with affection. I often refer to my wife as my Young Lady being as she's younger than I am! Check out this link HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? and share some of your pictures with us!

  7. #7

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    Re: Hello All

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Welcome on board, Peter. It's nice to hear of a guy that refers to his wife with affection. I often refer to my wife as my Young Lady being as she's younger than I am! Check out this link HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? and share some of your pictures with us!
    Thanks FrankMi. I did try to upload a picture of My Good Lady & myself using Tinypics, but nothing has shown up. Trying again..................... Successsss
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All

    Lovely, Peter. You know, now that I think about it, I don't have any recent pictures of my wife and I, and these go back to when we were in our teens.

    Hello All

  9. #9

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    Re: Hello All

    Nice pictures, taken a few years ago I reckon, clothing & hair styles sort of give it away
    Formal studio shots, or DIY portraits?................. I think I'll go for studio

  10. #10
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Hello All

    Quote Originally Posted by cliveanne View Post
    Nice pictures, taken a few years ago I reckon, clothing & hair styles sort of give it away
    Formal studio shots, or DIY portraits?................. I think I'll go for studio
    You are correct, Peter. 1962 when you could get a set of 8 wallet size photos for $1.00. I still carry the original photo of her in my wallet and a number of years ago took my hand at retouching the scratches and wrinkles.

  11. #11

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    Re: Hello All

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    You are correct, Peter. 1962 when you could get a set of 8 wallet size photos for $1.00. I still carry the original photo of her in my wallet and a number of years ago took my hand at retouching the scratches and wrinkles.
    Interesting you mention retouching. Back in the late 50's my Mother worked for Jeromes photographers. They were the only people who used paper negatives (to my knowledge). Saturdays were a favorite with me, no school & a day spent with my Mother upstairs in the workshop. I would be given an old negative which needed some retouching & several pencils, sharpened so the lead was about 2 inches or more in length (twofold reason here, 1: too much pressure would break the lead & 2: the thickness of the pencil would not obstruct the area you were working in)
    Now we Photoshop or use some other editing program to do the job. I know which is more satisfying...Give me the pencils A lot slower, but more fun

  12. #12

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    Re: Hello All

    Welcome to CiC

  13. #13

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    Re: Hello All

    Quote Originally Posted by jambin View Post
    Welcome to CiC
    Thanks Jim

  14. #14
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    Re: Hello All

    Hi Geoff, Frank and Mark,

    Sorry about the late reply, only been retired for two weeks and it's proving to be busier than working so far .

    Thanks for the welcome, I will be uploading at least a couple of photos over the weekend. It may be more as I am off later today to take some photos of a friend of mine who is willing to help me try out my newly purchased 1.3 metre Rotalux softbox and Nikon 105 DC lens. I traded in my Ais 105 f1.8 to get it, so I am hoping that it was the right decision. I've always loved the 'Hollywood' style of the 1930's and 40's and the possibilities of the defocus control seemed a good way of getting the right look.


  15. #15
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    Re: Hello All

    Hi Mark,

    Just noticed you are in Cornwall, I was born in Penryn many years ago, lived around the Maidenhead/Reading area for over 30 years, but I've still got the accent


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