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Thread: Fungi-'A walk in the woods'- your views please

  1. #1
    JPS's Avatar
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    Fungi-'A walk in the woods'- your views please

    Hi all,
    had a walk around my local woods at the weekend and found this Fungi growing on a tree stump. I quiet like the picture, but think it's slightly too central in the frame; I would like your views and ideas please.Fungi-'A walk in the woods'- your views please

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Stockholm. Sweden
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    Re: Fungi-'A walk in the woods'- your views please

    I'm a fungi lover myself John (both for consumption and photography) What you have here is some kind of polyporous shelf mushroom - the kind that grow on trees. It seems to me that you've overdone the pp a bit. While it's a good idea to blur the background so that the main subject catches the eye, you seem to have gone a bit too far and have separated the fungus from it's moorings - the tree stump it's growing on which, to my mind makes it look a bit unnatural. Placing the subject more to the right would add a bit of necesary "tension" into the image.

  3. #3

    Re: Fungi-'A walk in the woods'- your views please

    Love fungi and forest floor pixs!

    I agree with Jim regarding the blurring. I would like to see more of the stump from which the fungi grows. After all, without there would be no fungi. Would also crop according to the rule of thirds the portion of the fungi upon which you wish the eye to fall. In general, people in the West read even art from left to right.

    I also notice a bit of a shadow on the bottom of the photo?

    Redo it and let us see.

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