Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Bakhtiar, (is that your first name?)
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it is great to have you dive in with a photo on your first post.
I'm not a potraitist myself, but others who are will be along shortly to assist.
I note that apart from the window light, there is the computer screen 'fill' lighting his face and tungsten off to camera right illuminating that side from a lowish angle.
These differently placed and type sources have led to some shadows in less than ideal places and the orangey glow on his left (our right) side of the face.
This was obviously an 'opportunity' shot while he was busy on the computer, to improve any protrait, you really have to sit the subject where the light is good, or arrange it around them. Getting the light right is half the battle, followed by having a cooperative subject, etc.
Unless you are extremely lucky, and experienced enough to spot it, the chances of any 'opportunity' shot having good to great lighting, especially inside a home, is very unlikely - hence the need to do it properly, no quick wins I'm afraid.
Hope that helps for now,