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Thread: Tripod and Ballhead

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Bayu W. Widarto

    Tripod and Ballhead


    Wow…it’s so wonderful knowing that Christmas is around the corner, and I better get ready to get a picture of my 8 year-old son who joins a school choir. Therefore, in the next couple of weeks, I’m planning to get new artillery, Gitzo GT3541LS along with RRS BH-55 head. However, before I proceed with the purchase, there are few things that I need to ask;

    1. The ballhead, so far that I know there are two types of clamping on a ballhead, lever release and screw-knob release. Speaking of safety, which one has a better locking mechanism? Or in general which one is better? The reason I ask this, is because I’m get used to with screw-knob type release and I have no experience with lever release type.

    2. The tripod, since the GT3541LS has load capacity of 18 kg. and the BH-55 has 23 kg., would the difference in load capacity have an impact on sturdiness or would have cause any problems? Should I consider the GT5541LS instead?

    3. Just for curiosity, does anyone know the platform diameter of the GT3541LS? I asked this to Gitzo few weeks ago and haven’t received any reply, yet until I post this thread.

    Finally, I will be delighted to accept any suggestion, recommendations or thoughts from those of you who share the same interest.

    Thank you for helping me out….

  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    Hi Bayu,

    1) this is a matter of taste i to use screw release and am happy with it i understand leaver is quicker and gives a more positive feel for re positioning the camera some people say that the leaver is easy to catch and can get in the way.

    2) unless your going to get a heavier duty tripod, i cant think of a reason to buy a head that will carry more than the tripod 18 kg is a lot of camera! are you sure your not going over the top?? save some money and but a lighter duty head un less your going to upgrade.

    3) if Gitzo are to lazy to provide sales info on their products, dont buy it!

  3. #3
    beechdale basher's Avatar
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    Peter Hilton

    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    Hi Mark,

    You told me that you have a big one. This might help you support it


  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    I use the Manfrotto Ball Head and find it essential for wildlife and other fast action photography.

    It has a simple quick release trigger which works fine for most circumstances although when using a large lens plus flash there can be a little bit of creep on very slow shots.

    I reversed the handle so I can set the camera position with my left hand while my right 'trigger finger' is always on the shutter button.

    One downside, although it rarely bothers me, is that I never know if my shots are 'level' unless I can see a horizon or good vertical line.

  5. #5
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    Hi peter,

    thanks for that might try it out if i find one iin stock somewhere i mainly use the BIG ONE hand held though.... seriously tho i find that i hanhold or use a monopod for the bigma. You still up for your road test next week?


  6. #6
    Bear's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    My current favorite, by far, is Markins, light weight, strong, stable, smooth and precisely adjustable:

  7. #7
    beechdale basher's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    Hi Mark,

    Sorry can't make next week. Have been to see specialist today and I am going under the knife next week so will be out of action until Christmas.

    With regards to the Bigma is it easier to use with a monopod rather than a tripod?

    Thanks for the offer of the road test. We will have to meet up next year if you are back in the area.

    Thanks again

  8. #8
    PhotoByTrace's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    Screw knob vs Lever... I have both and prefer the lever to work with for composing my shot, but my lever ball-head is much heavier so if travelling by air or hiking long distances with it on my back I'll take the screw version in its place.

  9. #9
    Bear's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    The Markin Q10 ballhead with lever release weighs 1lb, balances perfectly on my CF tripod or monopod, making both much more pleasant to carry.

  10. #10
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod and Ballhead

    hi Peter,

    Have relative up that way so will be up in Feb i think, good luck with the op regarding tripod monopod thing, for the way that i use thisv lens then monopod / hand held suits me, but you know what its like, all a matter of opinion!!

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