Please excuse me for asking this newbie question.
Does using all available sensor's resolution affect picture quality? I expect that using full resolution gives me bigger picture when I want it, and if I reduce the size (i.e., when viewing on LCD screen or printing it on paper) I lose nothing in quality. Using full 9MP of the sensor does not make the first 5MP produces lower quality picture. Right?
This may help explaining my question. Assuming everything else remains the same, and I set my camera's picture resolution to, for example, 3MP, 5MP, 7MP, and 9MP, how is picture quality affected when:
1. SAME 100% MAGNIFICATION - All pictures are considered (analyzed, looked at, etc.) at 100% of their sizes (every pixel), or
2. SAME OBJECT SIZE - For example, the picture is considered when the size of the object's face is the same.
[Note: I am only concerned about picture quality, not storage space (everything else being equal, higher resolution picture has bigger file size).]
Hope the question is clear enough.
Thank you in advance.