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Thread: Huggate,Yorkshire

  1. #1
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    i was driving around Huggate,Yorkshire early one foggy morning.while looking for a farm the fog lifted and i was presented with this lovely view
    c&c welcome

  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Huggate,Yorkshire

    Great light Paul, i like the image and for me it works well but im not sure it should, there are different element that lead the eye in 2 directions but it still works maybe because 1 element leads direction in the for ground and the other for the background, conflicting but balanced in some way, nice image, well done.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Huggate,Yorkshire

    I like this too Paul. The gentle light and colours do it for me. I'd probably adjust the white level a bit and add a Hard Light blending layer just to give it a bit of a lift.

    Cheers Dave

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    dave keeley

    Re: Huggate,Yorkshire

    The first question i ask of any photo is what 'is it about' & what 'is it trying to say', this image although warm with nice light and appealing does not call out. For me it seems that the only point in focus is the nearest round bale, everything else is to soft; without the exif it is hard to know what was intended. The sky is largley dull and flat and takes up at least 40% of the composition without adding very much. There seems to be an image here but i think I would have exploited the farm track and the bales in the middle ground to realy pull the viewer in.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Huggate,Yorkshire

    I see what Dave K means (we seem to be getting a bonus of Daves here at the moment)

    The bottom corner has a part bale then there is a jumble of bales and nothing thereafter.

    Some people like this sort of arrangement but I would crop out part of the right side and a bit of sky. Probably ending up with a 3 x 2 ratio.

    Then a bit of careful brightness addition, but beware of the sky, I may well use a mask there.

    The morning sun has created a very yellow scene but I would probably leave that as it is. I think there is probably sufficient saturation but I would reconsider that after a Curves Adjustment Layer.

    A touch of LCE sharpening at around 20% and radius 30 may help but I think I would regard this as an experiment and see if it works before making a decision.

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