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Thread: paper types and effect on color?

  1. #1

    paper types and effect on color?

    Hi All,
    I have been experimenting with different types of baryta papers for black and white. I now want to start printing color on the same papers. Each paper has a differant brightness from bright white to warm tone. I have run out of the sample packs for a color test but I can kinda tell what level of brightness I would use on which picture.
    Since I know very little about inkjet printing or printing in general. This may seem like a stupid question but does the level of whiteness effect the colors?

    thanks for any help,

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Quote Originally Posted by mikeci View Post
    Hi All,
    I have been experimenting with different types of baryta papers for black and white. I now want to start printing color on the same papers. Each paper has a differant brightness from bright white to warm tone. I have run out of the sample packs for a color test but I can kinda tell what level of brightness I would use on which picture.
    Since I know very little about inkjet printing or printing in general. This may seem like a stupid question but does the level of whiteness effect the colors?

    thanks for any help,
    The level of whiteness will definitely affect your whites and highlights. You may not see it until you are photographing white clothes, clouds, or snow.

  3. #3

    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Hi Shadowman,
    thanks for the comeback. I thought that would be the case with the whites but what about the colors?

  4. #4

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    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    The choice of paper can make a considerable difference to the overall effect. Besides paper colour, ink absorption will vary.

    Hence the need to select the correct printer settings for different papers; and downloading the correct printing profiles for different papers may be needed.

    In fact some paper qualities can vary between different batches of paper.

    With some unusual types of paper, where pre calculated average settings aren't available, it can be a case of trial and error to see what works best.

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    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Quote Originally Posted by mikeci View Post
    Hi Shadowman,
    thanks for the comeback. I thought that would be the case with the whites but what about the colors?
    Hi Mike,

    Geoff answered regarding color. Are you printing your own images and how do they look on glossy paper?

  6. #6

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Hi Mike,

    The short answers are "yes" or "possibly".

    If you're using the same printer profile then yes (although the actual degree to which the colour varies may or may not be an issue due to the the incredible way our eyes adapt to such variances) (although it'll be noticeable in a side-by-side comparison). But if you're creating custom printer profiles for each type of paper then the profile will compensate for this varience to a large degree.

  7. #7

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    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Quote Originally Posted by mikeci View Post
    Hi All,
    I have been experimenting with different types of baryta papers for black and white. I now want to start printing color on the same papers. Each paper has a differant brightness from bright white to warm tone. I have run out of the sample packs for a color test but I can kinda tell what level of brightness I would use on which picture.
    Since I know very little about inkjet printing or printing in general. This may seem like a stupid question but does the level of whiteness effect the colors?

    thanks for any help,
    If you are using a correct print profile for each paper, the profile will correct the amounts of inks deposited to ensure colours are correct. There should be no difference. Except at absolute white, of course: that's determined by the paper 'colour' because theoretically no ink (C,Y,M, or K) at all is deposited for white to be reflected.

    For more of an explanation on print profiles and digital colour in general, see the 'about colour management' pages on .


    Last edited by Macmahon; 24th November 2011 at 10:18 PM. Reason: update info

  8. #8

    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Hi shadowman,
    I am printing my own images and I am using the manufacture's icc profile for each type of paper. the one image i'm working on starts ou in color and fade to b&w(see pic) so I decided to use a rag baryta for a glossy look. I tried a mat rag but it didn't have the "pop" I was looking for. I am using Hahnemuhle paper. It seems to be the most consistant from batch to batch. If push comes to shove I'll have to buy another sample pack so that I can proof this out before I spend the big bucks on the 17X22 paper.


  9. #9

    Re: paper types and effect on color?

    Hi Macmahon,

    Thanks for the info. I think thats the answer I was looking for. And thanks everybody for the comeback!

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