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Thread: New Menmber from Botswana

  1. #1
    botspur's Avatar
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    New Menmber from Botswana

    Hi All,
    I’ve been visiting this website for several months and have finally plucked up the courage to decide it’s time to take the plunge and introduce myself.
    I ‘am living in Africa for over forty years presently residing in Botswana for the past eight. From an early age I have nurtured an interest in African fauna happily clicking away - more for the sake of “seen that” than “proper” photography, unfortunately not being blessed with good eyesight numerous prints were returned from the developers out of focus. Autofocus is a tremendous revelation and a dwindling interest in photography is rekindled. I began digital photography several years ago with a Sony DSC-H1 shooting in .jpeg (who knew about RAW) I have recently graduated to a Nikon D90 primarily using a Nikon 70-200mm lens and shooting in RAW. I acquired Adobe Lightroom for cataloguing and processing; no expert in the latter and is fairly basic – crop, WB and a few other tweaks. I feel the LR package suits my needs and works for me.
    I would describe myself as an enthusiastically average amateur photographer that revels in the challenge of capturing wildlife images but still struggling to define or develop a style (help!!).
    Once I figure out how to upload and if members can tolerate a plethora of wildlife images please offer plenty C&C that I would deeply and humbly appreciate. In the beginning the pictures will be from my Sony (jpeg) and I’m interested in C&C about composition. I will tell a wee story to accompany the image to put one in the picture so to speak.

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: New Menmber from Botswana

    Hello Clive, and welcome to the site...New Menmber from Botswana

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Menmber from Botswana

    Quote Originally Posted by botspur
    Once I figure out how to upload and if members can tolerate a plethora of wildlife images please offer plenty C&C that I would deeply and humbly appreciate. In the beginning the pictures will be from my Sony (jpeg) and I’m interested in C&C about composition. I will tell a wee story to accompany the image to put one in the picture so to speak.
    Hi Clive,

    You may find these helpful,
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
    HELP THREAD: Guide to posting images for comment

    I would say limit yourself to a max. of 3 images per thread when inviting comment and number them for easy reference. I do like the idea of the story

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ....

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