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Thread: Friends

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
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    Fernando Cascais

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Central Texas, USA

    Re: Friends

    This scenic has a nice attractive quality to it. I'm curious about a couple of things, though:

    I'm seeing some digital noise--was this shot at high ISO?

    Did you try some different compositions? Not sure about the placement of the folks within the frame.

    What stitching software did you use (or is this a crop)?


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Gorokan NSW Australia

    Re: Friends

    A good shot spoilt by way too much noise.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Friends

    Hi Fernando,

    I know you don't like replying due to language issues, but I know you do read our comments; it strikes me tha above questions are valid enough to deserve an answer.

    If, as I suspect, this is a crop from a larger image, any chance of posting say, a 1000px wide version of the original, that way we could also see if the noise was there to start with, or added in PP.


  5. #5
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Friends

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Fernando,

    I know you don't like replying due to language issues, but I know you do read our comments; it strikes me tha above questions are valid enough to deserve an answer.
    Dave: if you look at Fernando's main website, he appears to speak very good English & comments translated (admittedly machine tr) into Portuguese in the early days got no more response, neither have personal appeals

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Friends

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I know you don't like replying due to language issues,
    Excuse me?!
    The primary function of a forum is to discus ain't it?
    A gallery is a place to show your pics and a forum a place to discus.
    I might be wrong, because i encounter language issues also, but i am amazed and annoyed when somebody don't like (to recieve or to give) reply on a forum.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Friends

    Ok let's not get upset; tolerance is another thing we pride ourselves on here at CiC.

    Fernando has previously and politely stated his preference not to respond to posts, now whatever I think about that I keep to myself because I feel, and I believe most members would agree; his picture postings are an education and inspiration to many others and therefore a positive benefit to CiC.

    Fernando posts pictures, we discuss them; so the forum is fulfilling its intended function, sure it would be nice if he joined in too, but it is optional. I don't see the point in forcing the issue, I was merely trying to make others aware of his preference and illicit a reply that would answer the questions in a manner that has succeeded before.

    I do appreciate the efforts many other members go to in order to join in the discussions in a foriegn tongue and do not wish to take that for granted. Equally, if Kaskais decided to join the discussions in future, that would be great too.

    However, I think to further this recent line of response will be counter productive and I would be most grateful if we could stick to discussing the content of this image in future posts.

    Many thanks, Dave (Moderator)

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