White on grey looks good hehe.
Pic not showing for me.
Hi Malcolm,
I fixed the missing image; somehow the ".com" bit was missing from the url after "TinyPic" word.
The image just isn't sharp I'm afraid.
It is a very nice place and on the whole, I like the composition, but it might benefit feom just a tad more space between the reflection and the frame edge.
thanks. mal
No worries, here's an idea of what I meant;
As described:
20 pixels added to lower edge and clone filled from above
LCE with USM 10% 30px 0th.
Sharpen with USM 100% 0.4px 1 th.
The sharpening didn't work as well as I'd hoped since there are already dark line halos which I didn't want to make worse - you shouldn't have that problem with the original.
LCE = Local Contrast Enhnancement
USM = UnSharp Mask (a method of sharpening)
% = amount
px = radius (in pixels)
th = threshold, a level of pixels below which the effect is not applied (helps avoid sharpening noise)
Hope that helps,
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th December 2011 at 01:06 AM.