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Thread: Seal Pup

  1. #1
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Seal Pup

    Wheather was supposed to clear for the weekend. You will see how that worked out. Anyway plans are meant to change, right?
    Ended up at a local marina to take a stroll.

    Finding the weather impeeding any of the shots I was hoping get this and then off to the beach a 1/2 block down.
    Seal Pup

    I show up at the beach and am told I can not go past the barrier due to a seal pup waiting for its mother to return. There was a Sea-lion in the water and the pup did not want to be dinner.
    Seal Pup

    In talking with the posted watch, she allowed me to sneak in a little closer....unfortunately by this time the light was very dim and I was still at the long end of my kit grade 300mm.
    Seal Pup

    Seal Pup

  2. #2

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    Re: Seal Pup

    Cool photos Paul, did you find out the rest of the story?

    You didn't really expect Seattle weather to cooperate... Weather forecast 50% Chance of rain. lol

  3. #3
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Seal Pup

    Rob, I left just before dark and mom was not to be seen. From what I was told she will return between 24 and 48 hrs time. She will likely scoop up the pup and be gone by morning. While I wish I could have gotten closer I am thankful to have gotten what I did. Not a usual sight in town.

    Wheather? Yes, ya just never no and better to hedge your bets towards the wet stuff.

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