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Thread: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Name: Lise-Marie Lia

    Location: Outside Oslo, Norway

    CiC: Thanks for agreeing to take part in 'In conversation with ....' here on CiC.

    It's my pleasure. I'm glad you wanted me a part of this.

    Perhaps we can start by you telling us something about your general back-ground. What about your work history – anything interesting?

    Well, I'm only eighteen and almost three months, so there's not to much work history to talk about. But I can brag about my 3 years in kindergarten and 13 years in school! And, I spent my 12th grade year as an exchange student in West Virginia, USA.

    And what about your family life?

    I have my a mom and a dad, a younger brother, a step sister, and my step mom. I consider myself a lucky girl, with two houses comes two rooms - and a lot of closet space.

    If you were staying in tonight, what would you choose as one of your favourite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as a favourite meal?

    Choosing a favorite book is impossible. I consider myself one of those book nerds, who read a little too much sometimes. Even though I read mostly fantasy, you could give me almost any book and I would read it. Right now I'm reading 3-4 different books, so my pick would be one of them. 'The Forgotten Garden' by Kate Morton, 'Eclipse' by Stephenie Meyer, or 'The Girls' by Lori Lansens. It's easier to choose a movie. I love a romantic movie, like The Notebook or a more sad one like Titanic. The last movie I watched was The Lovely Bones, which is an amazing movie. But of course, the book was better. When it comes to food, I couldn't choose either. I love Italian food, different kinds of pasta. But I really cannot choose a favorite meal. If you were to ask me again tomorrow, I would probably pick a entirely different kind of food.

    ED's PICK #1

    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    OK, photography is a given, but what about other hobbies or personal interests?

    Reading is on top of my list. I have always loved books, and I spend a lot of time reading.I love that a book can give you room to make up things yourself, make your own pictures. I've also played a little guitar. I own one, but I can't say I'm a pro. I've been on the ocean almost every summer growing up, on my dad's sailboat. I love travling, but I haven't had the chance to do a lot of it. I've made lists of places I want to see and countries I have to visit. And I know that when I end up in a nursing home I will have a LOT of pictures from all over the world.

    Let's get on to photography - how long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested in the first place?

    I've been taking pictures since 2007. I got my first camera (A digital camera) for Christmas that year, and since then I've taken a lot if pictures. When I got it, I thought it was amazing and I always had it with me. I mostly took pictures of things I did with friend and family. I took some nature and landscape pictures too, but mostly people. But, my love for photography blossomed after I bought my Canon EOS 60D last April. I felt like I couldn't do a lot with the camera I had, and that I needed something better.After I bought the SLR camera, there was a huge difference in the pictures. I feel that I have grown a lot already, taking pictures with it, and I learn new things about the camera every time I use it.

    What type of photography are you interested in, and why?

    I love landscape and nature photography.I also like taking pictures of people, but mostly during social gatherings. I don't have a lot of willing models, except my brother when I pay him with candy.

    ED's PICK #2

    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Any particular photographic influences?

    I'm not really influenced by anybody, but I read a lot of inspirring photography blogs. They are all very skilled and their love for photography makes me love it even more. They are mostly Norwegian, and here's one of them: He mostly shoots people, and I find his way of capturing the human moments special. His wedding shots are amazing.

    What do you hope to achieve through your photography - or what have you achieved already?

    I take pictures because I love it. I try to capture special moments and the things I see in those moments.

    What you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved? Where should it go from here, in your opinion?

    To be honest, I love CiC! I like the photo challenges, and the friendly athmosphere. I'm not scared of putting my pictures out there for feedback. I like looking at other people's pictures too, for inspiration. There are a lot of very talented people here. I'm very happy I'm a part of this little community.

    Getting more personal if you don't mind...what keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?

    Actually, I don't use photoshop and I usually fall asleep very fast.

    I have to ask this…. What photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?

    I only use my SLR camera, which I mentioned was a Canon EOS 60D. I bought two lenses with it, a EF 70-300 mm IS USM and a EF-S 18-135mm. Not to long ago I bought a EF-S 60mm f/2,8 Macro USM lens, which I love.

    It’s a tough one to answer, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?

    I'm a newbie

    What will the digital camera be like in 2020? And will you still own one?

    I really don't know, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

    Another tough one for you…do you consider photography to be art?

    Yes, for me all kinds of photography is art.

    How do you feel about having your own shot taken?

    I don't enjoy being photographed alone, but with others I don't mind.

    What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography?

    Do what I did in the beginning, just start shooting as a crazy person! (This is actually what I still do, most of the time)

    Can we see two of your shots that mean something special to you, and could you explain why.

    I chose this photo because it was the first macro photo I ever shot. I was really happy about the way it turned out and I still love the photo.

    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    I don't really know why I like this photo, there's just something about it that makes me love it.

    In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Finally, can you give us one interesting/weird/silly thing about you that we probably don’t know?

    Hmm... This is a hard one. I really don't know what to put down here.

    Thank you, again, Lise-Marie, for taking part in 'In conversation with .......'

    Thank you for wanting me to be a part of it. I really enjoyed it!

    Read all the other interviews in the series by going to this link

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Very nice interview...Thank You Lisee for sharing a bit of yourself...

    I was 18 once... just 34 short years ago. Don't be worried about
    nursing homes just've got a whole lot of living to do
    between now and then!


  3. #3
    MajaMolly's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Thanks for sharing about yourself, Lise-Marie! Your images are beautiful and I enjoy them. I can see you have a fun future in photography ahead. Keep shooting from your heart.

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Thank you for sharing a bit of your background. Keep on shooting and posting, we're loving your work!

  5. #5
    jjbacoomba's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Thanks for sharing Lise. I love the way you shoot people. Looking forward to seeing more.

  6. #6
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Great interview Lisa! Look forward to seeing more of your pics...

  7. #7
    PhotoByTrace's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    I do love reading these interviews; so insightful. Thanks for sharing Lise-Marie!

  8. #8

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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Nice one Lise. Thanks for sharing.

  9. #9

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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    It's nice to know some things about fellow forum members....well done Lise.

  10. #10
    CougarFool's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Lovely interview. This is an excellent feature of CiC.

  11. #11
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Thanks for sharing Lise-Marie, great interview, look forward to seeing more of your pics

  12. #12
    LiseeMariee's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizzy View Post
    I was 18 once... just 34 short years ago. Don't be worried about
    nursing homes just've got a whole lot of living to do between now and then!
    Thank you Mike, I'm glad you say that! Haha, and I'm not quite ready for the nursing homes just yet! And thanks to all the other people who have commented. I thought it was great that I was asked to do this, and it was a lot of fun(:

  13. #13
    Markvetnz's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Ah, to be 18 again. I only wish that we had digital photography when I was a youngster. Keep up the good work.

  14. #14
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Welcome to CiC...

    You certainly have a great start in photography. Your images are lovely. You also live in a beautiful part of the world.

    Since your area has lots of snow, here is a tip (which you may already know) when shooting snow scenes. Give your images extra exposure. Your camera meter wants to adjust everything to gray. So if you want to capture snow as white, you need to fool your meter and increase the exposure by one or two stops.

    This seems counter-intuitive because my common sense would say, give a bright white area less exposure. But increasing the exposure for very bright subjects and (conversely) decrasing the exposure for black subjects will give you the best imagery...

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Quote Originally Posted by Markvetnz View Post
    Ah, to be 18 again. I only wish that we had digital photography when I was a youngster.
    Quote Originally Posted by LiseeMariee View Post
    Well, I'm only eighteen and almost three months
    Ah yes, if I was 18 again, but knowing what I know now
    (and I'm not just talking of Digital Photography)

    Thanks for sharing your life with us Lise-Marie.

    All the best,

  16. #16
    LiseeMariee's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Welcome to CiC...

    You certainly have a great start in photography. Your images are lovely. You also live in a beautiful part of the world.

    Since your area has lots of snow, here is a tip (which you may already know) when shooting snow scenes...
    Thank you Richard, for the kind words. And I know we are supposed to have a lot of snow but there has been very little snow this year. I hope that we will get more snow in the new year, so I can shoot some snow pictres. And thank you so much for the tip, I haven't had the chance to really take photos outsie with snow, so I appreciate the advices(:

  17. #17
    Fit's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........LiseeMariee

    Pleasure to meet you Lise-Marie

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