OK, so i decided to look through my pics on my laptop. And came across the one below. It was shot in .JPG so i couldnt do as much editing, but this is what i came up with. I know the composition isnt the best, but please tell me anything that would help. Also gave me a chance to practice in photoshop CS5 that a mate gave since she already had one.
As i can remember, this day was one of the only 2 beautiful days i had on my week long holiday there, and it only lasted a half a day. The rest was miserable, with parts windy and rain. But it was a good trip non the less. There is alot more photos that i can edit in pp that would be alright. But this photo is the best. And it took me about 30-40 mins to edit and muck around till i got it to the point where its reasonable.
Again, any advice and C&C's are most welcoming to help me along my journey of photography!