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Thread: You say tomato..and I say..Boo!

  1. #1
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    You say tomato..and I say..Boo!

    You say tomato..and I say..Boo!

    First playings with Macro ( Canon EF-S60mm f/2.8 Macro USM on my 40D )

    I really don't want to be using Macro to be recording insect legs or flower stemen but am trying to see if I can use it creatively .....

    .....all comment really welcome.

  2. #2
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Bill S

    Re: You say tomato..and I say..Boo!


    Definitely a creative shot to start into macro with (but realy, who doesn't want to record insect legs?!? )

    First, when dealing with still-life like this, watch your edges. The tomato breaking the left edge of the frame like that is a bit distracting and breaks up the flow of the image (otherwise the composition is fine by me) - just need a tiny bit of space on the left edge.

    Second, you need a bit more light - the front of the tomato is so dark, you lose all that great color. The original idea here - with the frozen tomato, cool blue background, is great, but I want to see that bit of red really stand out under the ice to show some sort of idea of a hidden fire. With that section being so dark, the color is lost.

    I think with a reshoot and a few tweaks, you'll really have an image that will make people stop and think.

    Keep at it!

    - Bill

  3. #3
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    Re: You say tomato..and I say..Boo!

    Agree with Bill. A bit more light would bring out the color much better.

  4. #4
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: You say tomato..and I say..Boo!

    Thank you both so much.. xx

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