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Thread: Ebay for film cameras

  1. #21

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    What a coincidence that others have noticed how affordable film gear has become, as I've recently aquired some.
    My thoughts were, if its going to actually cost money every time I click the shutter, then I might take more care over where the thing is pointing, I've managed to shoot one roll of Velvia so far, and have found the results encouraging. The test roll was really to see if the Hasselbladski actually worked as I'd read about the light leaks being dreadful.
    I'm hoping to get more practise and shoot some more when work allows (its dark when I go there and when I get back).
    Also, if I get bored with it, it goes back to e-bay for a full refund or better.

  2. #22

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Light darkroom tape works wonders...just ask any diehard Holga shooter.

  3. #23

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Let's remember that medium format photography is still quite viable. Medium format cameras are relatively cheap, and the film is still available if you can find a good source. The total cost of getting a medium format camera, buying film, and having it developed probably won't exceed the $10000 price tag on a digital medium format.

  4. #24

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

  5. #25
    3Wheels's Avatar
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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Very interesting discussion, after seeing the results of some scanned old 35mm pictures of mine, I've bought a Canon EOS 10S 35mm SLR + assorted lenses off a mate. Pick it up after Christmas.

  6. #26

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniChris View Post
    Light darkroom tape works wonders...just ask any diehard Holga shooter.
    No lightleaks fortunately Chris, it appears to work very well.
    Sample here

  7. #27

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Am enjoying the 'to and fro' on the subject of film and digital on this thread. As a long time film user who has now taken the plunge and also gone digital I can see benefits from both sides. However, for sheer enjoyment I love taking photos with my film cameras, especially the older ones. Also because of having used film for so long I have an instinctive conservative approach to shooting off frames, which means that even with a digital I take far fewer shots than others who are 'digitals' who do not necessarily have a film background. It is also fun to pick up, at rather modest cost, film cameras from ebay!

  8. #28

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Now if only I could get a medium format for that price :P

  9. #29
    Boatman's Avatar
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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    You guys can argue this one til' the cows come home, but there is one BIG thing that that film can't do (unless you are a very successful professional) and that is COLOR PRINTING!

    I did enough black and white film and print work to understand the arguments for film (though I don't fully agree), but I could never EVER put a beautiful 11 x 14 color print on my wall that looked anywhere near as good as what I can do today with inexpensive digital equipment. There was no control over your processes and all your printing had to be done in a lab, usually by machines at a high cost.

    Black and white is great, I still like to do it and find it challenging. But with wet photography, black and white was really your only option. With digital you have the option of black and white while enjoying color photography and color printing at quality levels that have never before been available to the consumer.

    THESE are the good old days!
    Last edited by Boatman; 29th December 2011 at 09:30 PM.

  10. #30

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    I processed color for years and my students still do Cibachromes...nothing to it other than it takes longer in the dark.

  11. #31

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by Boatman View Post
    You guys can argue this one til' the cows come home, but there is one BIG thing that that film can't do (unless you are a very successful professional) and that is COLOR PRINTING!

    I did enough black and white film and print work to understand the arguments for film (though I don't fully agree), but I could never EVER put a beautiful 11 x 14 color print on my wall that looked anywhere near as good as what I can do today with inexpensive digital equipment. There was no control over your processes and all your printing had to be done in a lab, usually by machines at a high cost.

    Black and white is great, I still like to do it and find it challenging. But with wet photography, black and white was really your only option. With digital you have the option of black and white while enjoying color photography and color printing at quality levels that have never before been available to the consumer.

    THESE are the good old days!
    I have a 12x18 of this on my wall, taken with a minolta maxxum 400si

    Ebay for film cameras

  12. #32
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiniChris View Post
    Not too long ago, one of the premiere camera stores/processing labs went all digital and gave me (my school's photo program) everything they had film related...trays, cameras, film, paper, chemicals, enlargers..all added up, approximately $81,000 US. Film, to most young people today is a dead art which they feel should "just go away."

    I teach both now, as well as some of the really old processes: albumen, platinum/palladium, salt, cyanotype, and some limited wet plate. If you have ever held an interest in this type of photography, now's the time to scarf up some really good deals in cameras, especially large format.
    To bad we are not close Chris. I have a few working vintage cameras that I'm sure you would enjoy seeing in action, and I know I would love to have a better understanding of processing myself.

    Ebay for film cameras
    The 800 in B&W by Rob Douglas Photography, on Flickr
    Ebay for film cameras
    Agfa Ansco PD 16 Plenax by Rob Douglas Photography, on Flickr
    Ebay for film cameras
    Kodak Junior Six-16 by Rob Douglas Photography, on Flickr
    Ebay for film cameras
    Ansco Cintar CS3 by Rob Douglas Photography, on Flickr

  13. #33
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    i have a pentax and a minolta, plus about 20 brown eyes, and bout 30 other diffrent types of vintage cameras, oh did i mention i am helping run my late pops museum, lol plenty of photo opotunities

  14. #34
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    Oh, lucky you Allen. I am always on the lookout for another vintage camera. My wife seams to think my office looks like a museum lol

  15. #35

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Douglas View Post
    Oh, lucky you Allen. I am always on the lookout for another vintage camera. My wife seams to think my office looks like a museum lol
    I have a ton of them...I never pass up a chance to get one..last good find was a 1926 Model Kodak with film in it..I sent it to Rochester and they were able to process the film. Great family pics (someone's anyway) and pretty decently exposed.

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  17. #37

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by Boatman View Post
    You guys can argue this one til' the cows come home, but there is one BIG thing that that film can't do (unless you are a very successful professional) and that is COLOR PRINTING!
    You don't need to get any nasty chemicals anywhere near your hands. Mail the film off for processing, scan the film and you have your 40 megapixel raw file on your computer. From there it's exactly the same as fully digital.

  18. #38

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by JonathanC View Post
    You don't need to get any nasty chemicals anywhere near your hands. Mail the film off for processing, scan the film and you have your 40 megapixel raw file on your computer. From there it's exactly the same as fully digital.
    Nasty chemicals...Infidel!

  19. #39

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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniChris View Post
    Nasty chemicals...Infidel!
    You don't mean that you actually like the taste?

    Now that I am older, it seems like a big deal staining the kitchen all brown, whereas in my youth it wasn't a problem. ( My Mother thought differently!!). I lost all my darkroom gear some time ago, along with all my money and my house. Divorce is like that.
    When you can get the (35mm at least) film processed at Wal-Mart (ASDA in the UK) in an hour, the processing gets very simple, and easy. From there all thats required is a scanner.

    Now I'm off to look at E-Bay for 4x5 enlargers, can't be very expensive these days. ;-)

  20. #40
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: Ebay for film cameras

    I did color film processing back in the 1970's and the only part that took a bit to control was the solution temperatures, but a circulating water bath helps there.

    As for taking the step from film to prints, there are plenty of photo labs that will not only develope film, many also offer film scanning services where you can bring the film images into your digital world.

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