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Thread: Cold and Wet December Morning

  1. #21
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Cold and Wet December Morning


    Unfortunately I find that the last thing I am drawn to is the its just not the main focal point. It also sits on the horizon from that shot angle, it might have been better if your shooting angle had been slightly lower and set it more against the sky. The other thing that detracts for me is the very bright highlights of the steps, which pull my eye back over to the right of the shot every time, when compared to the rest of the shot.

    As for Neo, you are going to have to train him better to gaze into the scene, eyes transfixed on the focal point to take your viewers gaze that way too!

    Am I the only person who likes the skies, because they do take your eye back to the bridge.

    Just my tu'pence worth. Happy New Year.

  2. #22
    speedneeder's Avatar
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    Re: Cold and Wet December Morning

    Happy New Year to you too Ian.
    Thanks for your input. I need to stick to photographing my kids

  3. #23

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    Re: Cold and Wet December Morning

    I keep going back to #3 (with the blue part of the sky). I am a sky person myself and I think it added to the picture come natural color. I didn't see the dog until it was mentioned, not sure if that is bad or good but I have no problem with him, I have three myself that follow me when taking pictures.

  4. #24
    speedneeder's Avatar
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    Re: Cold and Wet December Morning

    Bob, I like the sky too, but my intent was to create a picture of a bridge
    I like the bigger sky in this photo, but it doesn't help me meet my objectives. As far as the dog goes, I take him with me most of the time I can, and he loves me for it

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