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Thread: imtoo

  1. #1
    Hasselbox's Avatar
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    Peter Kemp


    My name is Peter, and I'm a dutchman. I started 1973 as a analogue photografer.
    Today i'm a nikon dslr freak and I'm also looking forward to developing my technique and creative edge.
    Interest: Portrait and landscape. Mostly in black and white.
    I have good hopes, my photos are better than my English.
    Last edited by Hasselbox; 15th January 2012 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: imtoo

    Peter - You're English is much better than my Dutch!

    You are very welcome. I am sure you will find that many people on here are very willing and able to offer support and advice. Similarly, I hope that you will help others and share with them your experience gained over all the years of being a photographer.

    I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: imtoo

    Hi Peter,

    So, which Nikon(s) due you shoot with?
    and lenses?

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ....

  4. #4
    Hasselbox's Avatar
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    Peter Kemp

    Re: imtoo

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Peter,

    So, which Nikon(s) due you shoot with?
    and lenses?

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
    I start with the D5000
    Today, I use the D7000 with 10-24mm WA, 35mm/1.8G, 50mm1.4G and 55-200mm tele lens.

    Fafourite software is Nikon captureNX2
    Last edited by Hasselbox; 19th December 2011 at 08:23 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: imtoo

    Quote Originally Posted by Hasselbox View Post
    I start with the D5000
    Today, I use the D7000 with 10-24mm WA, 35mm/1.8G, 50mm1.4G and 55-200mm tele lens.

    Fafourite software is Nikon captureNX2
    Hi again Peter,

    Ah yes, as you may have noticed, I'm still using my D5000 and rather reluctant to give up the flippy screen for a D7000

    Besides, I could use that kind of cash for something like your 10-24mm WA, I'd like something that wide.

    I tried CaptureNX2 for the trial perod, but it never really 'clicked' for me, probably just because I couldn't see how, despite watching videos of people using it - and making it look so easy and effective. Oh well; I went the CS5 route in the end but I do still use the Nikon Transfer and ViewNX2 and there are a few other CaptureNX2 users here.

    Hope to see some shots in the forums soon,

  6. #6
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: imtoo

    Van harte Welkom. Ik ben ook de trotse eigenaar van een Nikon d5000 - D7000 is een beetje te duur!
    (Warm welcome - I'm also the proud owner of a Nikon d5000 - D7000 is just a little too expensive!).
    Last edited by Kris V; 19th December 2011 at 10:42 PM.

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