As some of you are no doubt aware this is my first foray into photography in some 20 years or more, not that I understood the basics of it back then , I had my limits I could load the film set it to the scene modes and point and shoot, now with my first DSLR I am exploring the different settings the camera has to offer along with apertures , shutter speeds, raw etc ,for me a steep learning curve, anyway it was while I was in the shop a couple of days ago where I purchased the camera (I was looking at tripods) when the salesman noticed me came over and asked how I was finding it I told him it was hard going but I was going to persevere and master it somehow the conversation got around to live view , was I using it he said it may benefit me if I wasn’t entirely happy with the pics I had taken so far, no I am not using it I feel that it’s a bridge too far for me at the moment with everything else I am trying to cram in this old head, am I right or wrong?
{By the way I bought a GIOTTO 9 series.}