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Thread: In conversation with .........markvetnz

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Name: Mark Clinning

    Location: Auckland, New Zealand


    CiC: Thanks very much for taking the time to participate in 'In conversation with ...'.

    Only too happy to. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Perhaps we can start by you telling us something about your general back-ground. What about your work history – anything interesting?

    I was born in Rhodesia, now known as Zimbabwe. I have a few vague recollections, but mostly my younger days were spent in South Africa. I had a pretty carefree childhood up until the age of about 12, when I went off to boarding school in Kimberley (famous for its Diamonds and being under siege during the Anglo-Boer war in 1899).

    I spent five years there under the guidance of catholic brothers, some of whom truly believed in applying the board of education to our seats of wisdom. I belonged to the photography club at school. I did well at school and applied to enter veterinary school and started my first year in 1980. Like most, my university days were awesome. It was a work hard - play hard environment.
    I remember every semester being one long slog of weekly study to pass the one or two tests for the week and then a final binge every Friday and Saturday night. This went on for five years until I finally graduated as a qualified vet at the ripe old age of 22. I still tell my students today that the only thing harder than getting into vet school is getting out of vet school.

    In South Africa there was a system of compulsory military conscription, so after uni I spent two years in the military working as a vet in a sort of public relations capacity, teaching indigenous people how to farm and also basic animal husbandry.

    After starting work in private practice in Johannesburg I spent a further 3 years doing post graduate study in small animal surgery, and this is still where my main interest lies today. In the last 10 years I have also become somewhat of a specialist in canine reproduction.

    I married Caron in 1989 and my daughter Hayley was born two years later. We left South Africa in 1993 and ended up in Auckland, and I'm still here today. I ended up buying the company that first employed me in NZ and it is still a thriving business today, and it affords me the luxury of indulging my hobbies.

    And what about your family life?

    We have a very close family in NZ. My daughter Hayley is studying business in Atlanta, where she is on a collegiate golf scholarship. She is a scratch handicap golfer and she represented New Zealand a few times. My son Evan is 17.

    All he wants to do is fly planes. He should have his pilot's licence within a year or so. He is also a good golfer playing off a 2 handicap. My wife Caron is a midwife/nurse. My mum stays with us, but unfortunately she is not well and is due to start treatment for cancer soon. I have a brother in San Francisco.


    In conversation with .........markvetnz

    If you were staying in tonight, what would you choose as one of your favourite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as a favourite meal?

    I used to read extensively in my younger days. However, these days all I seem to read are photography books - Sad! I do like biographies, particularly about early explorers like Shackleton or Scott. I find most recent movies pure dross and a total waste of time. Chick Flix - don't get me started. I do like courtroom dramas and adventure docos like Deadliest Catch on Discovery.

    OK, photography is a given, but what about other hobbies or personal interests?

    My other passion is audio. I was interested to read about Willie and his speaker designs. I have built up a first class audio system over the years. A lot of the components were custom made and even extend to valve gear.

    I was always heavily involved in my kids golf and their coaching. I spent countless hours as a caddie and even went so far as to build a proper putting green at home. I always try to do everything as well as I possibly can and I must have done it right because it won a worldwide award for home putting greens. I have studied acoustics and turf culture extensively. Some might call it madness, but it all keeps me out of trouble.

    Let's get on to photography - how long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested in the first place?

    I started photography at school, developing and processing photos in a darkroom where we found a wonderful collection of photos of topless women belonging to the local parish priest ( the photos, not the women). Go figure! He must have taken them for the "artistic" experience. We never did get to see any of the models, but we did wonder whether they might have been some hot nuns from the local convent.

    My parents couldn't afford a SLR camera for me, so I learnt on a small Minolta 35mm. I never really knew what I was doing though. I have had digital cameras in one form or another since about 1998.

    I remember paying megabucks for an Olympus E20. This was the first 5Mp camera DSLR and it was advertised on the back of Nat Geo. I learnt a bit on that but it didn't have interchangeable lenses. My foray into real photography only started 2 years ago and it has progressed continuously. I'm only sorry I didn't take it more seriously earlier.

    What type of photography are you interested in, and why?

    Almost anything. Every time I read about a technique or see different types of photos, I'm dead keen to give it a go. I do want to take more portrtaits of people and their pets. Being a vet, I have an affinity with animals and I know
    what types of emotion I'm looking for. I love landscape work, mostly for the getting up early or staying out late to get the shot. I also love planning a shot and trying to get it right. I hate lying in bed so photography gives
    me an excuse to get up and go. My next is to try and turn it into a small source of retirement income.


    In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Any particular photographic influences?

    Not really. I like Brian Peterson's books; plenty of photos and simple practical advice. CIC has been great. I've learnt heaps and I like the sort of cameraderie that exists. I've only met one other member, but I feel I know you all.

    What do you hope to achieve through your photography - or what have you achieved already?

    Win a monthly comp - LOL. I see my main achievement as continually learning and hopefully improving. I have always been a left brain, black and white, person and photography has helped me get in touch with my creative side.

    My wife says that I am a nicer person to be around when I'm involved in photography, so it must be stress relieving too.

    What you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved? Where should it go from here, in your opinion?

    I love it. I wouldn't say it could be improved. It seems to evolve and improve in its own way all the time. Well done to the mods and the tutorial writers.

    Getting more personal if you don't mind...what keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?

    Mainly people who own pets and don't look after them properly and then what I call "Nutter Clients". I'm pretty sure all businesses have them. I once asked a colleague what he did with difficult clients and he told me refers them .... to his worst enemy! If only - LOL. Also a bit of back pain.

    I have to ask this…. What photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?

    Cameras Canon 50D, 5Dii, 1D iv. Lenses 16 -35 2.8L II, 24 - 70 2.8L, 85mm 1.2L, 70 - 200 2.8L II, 100 - 400 5.6L - 8-15mm Fish eye and a 400 2.8L. Flashes etc

    I have a home studio setup so I keep busy when the weather is bad. My favourite piece of kit apart from the camera and lenses is my Epson R3000 - stunning prints.

    Software CS5. I have recently bought a few NIK plugins.

    It’s a tough one to answer, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?

    Pretty average really. Technically OK but creatively still hopeless (but improving).

    What will the digital camera be like in 2020? And will you still own one?

    Mostly I-phone type devices for the masses. DSLR's will have huge resolutions - 48Mp plus. Tons of wireless and 3G connectivity. Hopefully some means of sealing off the sensor when the lens is changed, putting an end to dust bunnies.

    I will always own a camera.

    Are you in a position to help or encourage others in their photography?

    Yes. Especially novices who all seem to have DSLR cameras and haven't got a clue what to do with them. I am slowly getting the hang of printing which is an altogether different beast. I'm occasionally asked for advice on that front.

    Another tough one for you…do you consider photography to be art?

    Absolutely. Composing a shot and also recognisisng what makes a good shot has to be art. Digital compositing is also art.

    How do you feel about having your own shot taken?

    I'm not fussed about it. If that's how I look, that's how I look.

    What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography?

    Read a book about the basics of exposure.

    Can we see two of your shots that mean something special to you, and could you explain why.

    In conversation with .........markvetnz
    This photo of a gannet is one of my favourites.I entered it in a competition here and it won the whole thing. I tried to take another shot just like it and couldn't repeat it. Everything just fell into place on the day. Light, wind direction
    and a bit of luck of course.

    This is my favourite dog photo. Apart from the dog on the far right, all were on a sofa at the same time. Can you imagine the chaos, trying to control 9 dogs for a photo shoot. I have a 48 inch print of this on my wall and it looks fantastic.

    Finally, can you give us one interesting/weird/silly thing about you that we probably don’t know?

    I used to play the highland bagpipes. I still have a set in my office.
    (ED - There's got to be Scottish blood in there somewhere!)

    Thank you, Mark, for sharing information about yourself along with your thoughts.

    You're welcome.

    Read all the other interviews in the series by going to this link

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Outstanding interview Mark. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us!


  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Nice to hear some more about you Mark. Your submissions on this forum have given me a technical and creative standard to aim for. Keep them coming !!

    Cheers Dave

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Very interesting, Mark! I love the part about 'I always try to do everything as well as I possibly can'. When I was younger I learned the lesson of 'there's never enough time (or labor or cash) to do it right but there's always enough time (or labor or cash) to do it over'! Nowadays, I try to get it right the first time regardless of the TLC (time, labor, cash) involved.

    Thank you for sharing your very interesting background with us and I love the 'Coming At You' image. Just great! Keep them coming at us!

  5. #5
    jjbacoomba's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Thanks For sharing Mark. Love your dog photo!

  6. #6

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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Quote Originally Posted by jjbacoomba View Post
    Thanks For sharing Mark. Love your dog photo!
    I thought it was a bit rough, rough! (sorry, little canine humour there!)

  7. #7
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Thankyou for sharing Mark, great interview, I now understand what your CIC name means

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Hi Mark,

    Well, there's more to you than meets the eye - I knew you were a vet, but there are so many other intersting things you (and family) have done


  9. #9

    Re: In conversation with .........markvetnz

    Fantastic interview. if only my life was half as interesting..But we do share one thing in common..Love of photography!!

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