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Thread: My Nephew

  1. #1
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    My Nephew

    A few shots of my nephew. My sister's asked me to do shoot now. Should be an interesting challenge - he doesn't follow instruction well

    C&C welcome.

    My Nephew

    My Nephew

    My Nephew

  2. #2

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    Re: My Nephew

    Great images

    "When the comedian WC Fields said: “Never work with animals or children!” he wasn’t talking about photography, but as we all know, taking good pictures of animals or children can be as frustrating an endeavor as it is potentially rewarding"

  3. #3
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: My Nephew

    Malcolm, I think they are all just gorgeous!
    Lovely soft lighting suiting a wee fellow like this.
    my only suggestions would be maybe a slight lightening of the eyes in the first 2 & possibly a little bit of vignette in the last.
    The toning of the middle 1 in particular is terrific.
    Great job!

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: My Nephew

    Nice set of images. I like sepia tone in the second one.

  5. #5
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: My Nephew

    Thanks everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    Malcolm, I think they are all just gorgeous!
    Lovely soft lighting suiting a wee fellow like this.
    my only suggestions would be maybe a slight lightening of the eyes in the first 2 & possibly a little bit of vignette in the last.
    The toning of the middle 1 in particular is terrific.
    Great job!
    Appreciate the feedback Kay. Jacob has very dark eyes so I'll see keep an eye on keeping them lit up when I do the actual shoot. Not sure why I forgot the vignette on the third either! I normally add a little for most portrait shots.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: My Nephew

    Really good shots Malcolm,

    As you hint, the only drawback is what I'll call 'a lack of engagement' from the subject, especially noticeable in #2, but since that's what he's like, to family, they'll be perfect.

    I'm sure as the months turn to years, the 'engagement' will come in time and he'll make a great subject.

    I love the treatment you did on #2.


  7. #7
    PRSearls's Avatar
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    Re: My Nephew

    Shooting kids is a real challenge for an old, slow guy like me. Landscapes don't move around so much.

    You did very well; I especially like the eye contact in number one. Your rate of keepers will steadily increase as you gain experience. One of the keys is to shoot a lot since the "cute" expressions and poses are very sudden, often unplanned and fleeting. My grandkids are older than your nephew but still very active. I've found I get better results if I don't pose them but shoot lots of candids when they are busy with some activity that has their attention. I think they've gotten somewhat used to grandpa clicking away which is a definite advantage. Using a longer lens is also useful to keep out of their space and attention. Children of any age, grow quickly and it's important to record their lives and development, even the everyday, routine activities. When we are parents, we think we'll never forget these times. But now, from the perspective of a grandparent, you will forget. These images will stimulate your recollection of their youth and the older we all get, the more precious these will become.

    - Paul -

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