Here is a picture, which I am seriously considering as a gift to the people in the picture (in form of a print 8x10).
I took it yesterday, and it must be sent to print today, so tomorrow I can give it to them. So, I have a little schedule pressure here.
Maybe you can help me with the problems I have with it.
One problem - it's a little out of focus, I think. Man's face, mostly. Can that be helped at all? I keep hearing about sharpening, but I am not sure if that's applicable here, and what exactly could/should be done there? The problem was not the shallow DOF (f7.1). I think my camera/lens and I just messed up on the focusing.
Another problem - I worked on her face to remove/reduce the wrinkles, but not on his. And I think it shows. As in - you can tell that one face is more "processed" then the other. Can you? If so - anything I can do about that?
Several specks, hairs in the background - those I know how to fix. (I didn't see those on a monitor where I did the PS. Hate that!Went and ordered the monitor calibrator right now because of those
Anything else you can see, that I can't?
If you think - it's so out of focus, it belongs in a garbage can - please tell me so.
Thanks for your help in advance!