So I was thinking that I need to challenge myself a bit more to develop my photography. For the new year I am going to embark on a "project 52" or aiming to take a photo a week that challenges me. I thought about doing a photo a day but unfortunately I don't think I will be able to stick to that one.
So my question is - does anyone want to join me on this journey? My intent is to try and post my photos on this forums for c&c. I thought it would be cool if there were a few of us.
I'm not 100% sure if there are any rules in terms of these - should it be a different theme a week, does it need to be different subjects etc? Maybe someone with a little more experience can advise.
I am well and truly an amateur, so don't stress that if you are a beginner you will be out of your league.
Post here if you are interested....