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Thread: Project 52 (Suggestion and discussion)

  1. #1
    Ricco's Avatar
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    Project 52 (Suggestion and discussion)

    So I was thinking that I need to challenge myself a bit more to develop my photography. For the new year I am going to embark on a "project 52" or aiming to take a photo a week that challenges me. I thought about doing a photo a day but unfortunately I don't think I will be able to stick to that one.

    So my question is - does anyone want to join me on this journey? My intent is to try and post my photos on this forums for c&c. I thought it would be cool if there were a few of us.

    I'm not 100% sure if there are any rules in terms of these - should it be a different theme a week, does it need to be different subjects etc? Maybe someone with a little more experience can advise.

    I am well and truly an amateur, so don't stress that if you are a beginner you will be out of your league.

    Post here if you are interested....
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 1st January 2012 at 12:44 AM. Reason: Amend thread title

  2. #2

    Re: Project 52

    That sounds like a fun project, is it a photo a week or an edit a week, or both? I do like the idea of a theme, but you would have to come up with 52 themes that would work in any location. Count me in either way.


  3. #3
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    I'm in Peter,
    I'm trying to push myself with photography like you.
    I don't have much time or skill to work with themes, but willing to have a go.

  4. #4
    Ricco's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    Great - glad to have at least a couple of others on board, we'll see if anyone else expresses an interest. Isnt one of the keys to sticking with your goals / resolutions to have others to keep you motivated?

    Ryo, I think the goal is to have a completed photo each week.

    In terms of themes or not, I am happy either way. I was thinking along the lines of the broad cic themes on the forum front page being people, pets, nature and architecture and then possibly changing a theme a week. I had originally thought the if you just had a "take a photo" each week, it would be harder to narrow in on a subject. But again, I'm not fussed.

    Anyhow, will research more in coming days and add to this post.

    Good to have you guys on board.

  5. #5
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    I'll join in with you guys.

  6. #6
    murfdogg645's Avatar
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    Sounds like a welcome challenge. I'm in

  7. #7

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    Re: Project 52

    A little while a go we had a Photo a Week Challenge Day 01 - October 2010 PAD

    I think that is probably just the first day so you will have to search for the other 30 days if you want to see the full results.

    This was a serious challenge, particularly for those who had a busy work schedule but it still resulted in some good replies.

    Just one photo a week is, for some people, too easy. I would fear that retired or super wealthy photographers and 'professionals' would have more time to achieve near perfect results so others, and beginners in particular, might be 'scared off' by too much competition. Which would be a pity.

    Perhaps the challenge needs constricting a little. Maybe limit it to just photos taken at weekends; or how about having to show the first keepable shot which you take each week? We already have themed competitions, etc, so should this be something totally different?

    As always, we would have to rely on the honesty of entrants. But if you can't trust CinC members who can you trust?

    So, yes the idea sounds good but let's have another day to consider the best way forward.

  8. #8
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    I'm happy to give it a go Can't speak for Kerry but I'm sure she'd do it too.

  9. #9

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    Re: Project 52

    Having given this idea a couple of hours thought (not continuously) I wonder about a 'My Week' theme.

    Which would mean showing just one photo to sum up how the previous week affected you. What was the chief memorable incident (high or low) or whatever you saw that made you think Wow during that week.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    Great idea, count me in, especialy if it doesn't have to be shot in the week - I have a humungus backlog of unprocessed shots and no reason to show them, until now perhaps?

    I think our collective work patterns, limited shooting opportunities (e.g. on way to work), weather, etc., may mean that having any hard rules will inevitably result in some members not being able to keep up, and once you drop one week, well, what's missing another going to matter?

    So for me, I'd publish a shot every week, sometimes shot that week, but not necessarily, I'd still be 'doing' photography, just not the shooting bit

    Others may wish to set their own targets like "shot this week" or shoot to a theme, but I fear that for many, actually having the energy and expertise to produce a shot that 'sums up their week' or even the thing that 'wow'ed them, may be too difficult.

    For those that wish to have a theme, without thinking too hard and producing a huge list to follow, why not just come up with something that incorporates the week number; e.g. one of something in the first week (or the first of something), a pair the next, all the way through to say, a deck of 52 cards for the last week? Leaves it open to a lot of possibilities which many/all should be able to achieve.

    I know we have two forums, but the Nature and Architecture is also a "catch all", so perhaps do it there and not worry if the content of some member's shots are people or pets?

    I'd suggest one thread each week, everyone puts their picture in it. It can even have the week number in the title for those without 52 fingers to count

    I've not discussed this with the other mods, so please don't read this post as 'official policy', it's just little ole me typing away by all means keep suggesting ideas.

    Shall we start on Sunday the 1st, or Monday the 2nd?
    I'll volunteer to start the threads.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th December 2011 at 12:24 AM.

  11. #11
    Ricco's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    Geoff - thanks for that. I had a bit of a search around the internet and there are a heap of different forms of this project. Examples:
    - a theme a week e.g. Kids sports, flowers etc
    - an assignment a week, subtely different to the above where you have an assignment similar to what you would get from a photo editor
    - a theme for the entire 52 weeks. E.g. Black and white, your year in pictures, portraits.

    Another interesting project i found is to get a common object and take a photo a day of it to try and capture different aspects such as lighting, perspective etc.

    The purpose of this would be to give yourself a challenge and improve, so I think if each person has their own take on the project then that would be cool as well. If someone thinks a photo a week is a piece of cake, make it 2 per week, or restrict it to Saturday photos, or keep a similar theme through the year, or go for the "my week" theme. Alternatively stretch yourself on the quality side of the project.

    Personally I think if I can come up with 1 photo a week of sufficient quality that I'm happy to post, I will be a happy man.

    What do you reckon?

  12. #12
    Ricco's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    Dave - looks like our posts crossed in cyberspace with similar themes.

  13. #13

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    Re: Project 52

    I'm in whatever you decide. My preference would be for us to pick our own theme or challenge and along with the shot post what we were trying to accomplish with the shot or the theme.

    If some have trouble picking a theme then perhaps a theme could be posted but it would be our choice whether we want to use that theme or pick our own.

    I also prefer, as Dave mentioned, that it is not limited to having been shot that week, but can also be a post processing challenge that we are trying out. I really like that idea because it might force me to hit the books and seriously try some of the things I've been putting off.

    I take it this will not a competition, but rather a chance to challenge ourselves and give and receive feedback. I think picking our own theme would give lots of variety during the week and more chances for all of us to learn and to help each other out.

    Anyway count me in whatever you decide.


  14. #14
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    I am in. I should have enough time between work, night classes and home to do it.

  15. #15

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    Re: Project 52

    I'm in!!!! I'm up for the challenge as well, just need to know what the guidelines are going to be, but my thoughts are that we need to have taken the picture during that week. I think we all may have loads pictures that we need to edit, but the idea is to get out and take pictures right?

  16. #16

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    Re: Project 52

    I won't be joining in but I will be watching and would like to make a suggestion. Make this a learning experience. When you post, explain what your settings were and what you were trying to relate with your photo. What problems did you have and how did you get around them. Personally I think if you have to explain a photo there is something amiss, however, explaining the background of the shot particulars will help you and others progress on both technical and creative levels.

    2 cents.

  17. #17
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    I agree with Andrew. A brief explanation of what you were trying to achieve with your photo, settings, etc would help others to be able to point out where you were successful or where improvements could be made.

  18. #18
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52

    Yep, Andrew and Greg make very good points. And with all respect, I do think the photo should have been taken that week.

    Why, it was mentioned to me at one club that the same person achieved regular wins because they were retired and had the chance not only to get out and take the shot but could then spend the rest of the week, 'shopping it. Those with Full Time jobs could not. And of course we all have at least 52 shots on the hard drive that could be entered with a little PP effort, but are we trying to improve in just the digital darkroom, in the field or both? I will leave that for others to decide.

    I don't have much time, but if I see something interesting whilst I am out, I will shoot it. If I were to do a challenge, it would be a personal one to improve each week through the year. Everyone on CiC will be at different levels, so to some extent the results will be different and it should not be a case of 'beating others' but striving to exceed ones own performance and using CiC as a display case and learning exerience.

    Equally, it could be a portrait street photo or landscape, I dont think the division lines matter here for a personal improvement project.

    I agree that the providing the camera settings would be helpful plus possibly a couple of lines at most, but if the picture cannot relate to the viewer, then in my view it has failed.

    Obviously C&C would help individuals to see the photo as others see it and improve their next effort.

    Just my tu'pence worth

  19. #19

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    Re: Project 52

    Quote Originally Posted by gregj1763 View Post
    I agree with Andrew. A brief explanation of what you were trying to achieve with your photo, settings, etc would help others to be able to point out where you were successful or where improvements could be made.
    Yes, agree with a brief comment about your photo, if you want this, but not compulsory.

    But what about comments from other people? If we aren't careful a project like this can get a bit 'messy' with photos and comments scattered all over the thread. Possibly say no comments etc until the next day so we get all of the photos together which can then be followed by any replies, which can sometimes get a bit long winded when we get replies to replies to . . .

    Should it be only photos taken that week (slightly loosely)? We would need to allow for international date/time variations. And give one or two days leeway to allow for someone who can only photograph at weekends to choose 2 photos, shot on Saturday, but post one on Sunday and the other on Monday of the following week.

    The thing which always worries me slightly about any challenge like this is that if it is possible for a few of the best photographers to simply display 52 of their very best shots taken over the past couple of years we will get a stunning display. But newcomers could be discouraged from showing their efforts which they may consider inferior. Much as Ian previously mentioned.

    It needs to be made clear that everybody should be welcomed; particularly the less experienced.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 30th December 2011 at 12:07 PM. Reason: spelling

  20. #20
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    I'll go along with whatever you guys come up with but do feel the images should be shot the week of the challenge to get everyone out shooting.

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