We must be in parallel universes or something. I've been trying to think of what I can shoot that's moving and ONE option I am considering is going to the local community centre. There is hockey, ice skating AND, you guessed it swimming. I don't know if they have diving boards, but I was thinking (even before you posted this) that a mid air diving shot would be a good subject. Your shots prove that. Very Nice work, I'll be happy if I get anywhere close to this.
I'm going to take it one step at a time. I've been reading the manual and there are so many focus modes and combos. I plan to try them out one at a time. I plan to start with AFC 9 point AF and work my way up to AFC 3D tracking. I have some squirrels in the back yard that use the trees as a highway. If I can get close enough, I think they would be good subjects for the 3D tracking.
Anyway, Excellent job on the shots, and the dialogue on setting up and thinking the shot through was also very helpful, so keep talking

BTW what focus mode did you end up using on these. From what I've read in the manual, I think AFC 9 point AF would be OK for this type of shot???? Yes/No???