Excellent feedback on this shot. Thanks so much everyone. I am not going to reply to each person separately, but just want you all to know that I read and took all replies into consideration when I did the rework. Let me know what you think.
At an emotional level this shot will never be where I want it to be, but I've had this type of thing in mind for awhile and have tried various attempts at the same type of thing. This is the closest I've come to getting the feeling I want, so that's something. For now though I will be happy with a not bad shot of a person walking on a trail in the winter.
Rework #1: in Lightroom Cropped, Added Fill Light, decreased contrast, adjusted black point so nothing is completely black, used tone curve to brighten lights, shadows and darks. In Elements just some dodging on the midtones and highlights on the coat of the subject and burning in some of the tree trunks.

Although it's missing many of the elements that I purposely wanted in this image I do like the rework. I wanted more path behind the subject to show he had come a long way. I liked the darkness as a symbolic element to the story I was TRYING to tell, but to do that I think I have to get much better at PP OR work on the exposure in camera so I can keep the subject lighter but still have the darkness around him
I sort of kind of like the idea of the vignette, BUT I messed it up. It should be rounder, the top does not look right and also seems to look greyer after the upload. It's just an experiment though, so I'm not too worried about it.
I think this shot is getting a little overcooked. I've ended up playing around a lot more that I would want to do on most images, but that's the point of the project
As always, thanks to all the great feedback this have been a great learning experience for me. Feel free to comment, I'm still open to suggestions and ideas.