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Thread: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

  1. #1
    JPS's Avatar
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    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Like many of the members on CiC, I would describe my Photography skills as mediocre and I am still amazed at what some of you guys can do.
    For me Project 52 will not only allow me to get excellent feedback from you guys, but also allow me to see any improvements to my pictures all in one place, week by week; well that’s the theory.
    I’m very much into ‘Lighting’ at the moment so that is what I am aiming to improve and as I’m starting with nothing, surely the only way must be up, fingers crossed.

    Week 1:
    'Totally unaware'
    This Lady had no idea I was taking her picture; this is our local London street market. Just liked the whole 'street life' feel. Hopefully with everybody's help, in 52 weeks time I will feel more comfortable taking this type of shot.
    Is the Lady to small in the frame? She was supposed to be the main subject.
    I wait for your comments and guidance.

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)
    Last edited by JPS; 1st January 2012 at 07:00 PM.

  2. #2
    PBelarge's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    I like to think we are all so good, that is seems like we are no better.
    I look forward to seeing your project and how/what you do to improve.

  3. #3
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Thanks Pierre.

  4. #4
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Week 1:
    'Totally unaware'
    This Lady had no idea I was taking her picture; this is our local London street market. Just liked the whole 'street life' feel. Hopefully with everybody's help, in 52 weeks time I will feel more comfortable taking this type of shot.
    Is the Lady to small in the frame? She was supposed to be the main subject.
    I wait for your comments and guidance.
    I think I end up focussing on two subjects in the shot - the woman with the camera the woman with the purple bag on initial glance. The more I stare at it the more the woman with the camera stands out - so I assume she's your subject.

    I like the what you're doing with the shot to bring the subject to the attention of the viewer. I think perhaps she is a bit small in the frame so perhaps cropping in a bit would resolve some of that.

    The person on the very right of the frame is a distraction for me as he's not as blurred out as the others, as is the pram on the bottom left. For me if you could remove those elements in your shot you'd bring a lot more focus to your subject.

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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Hi Malcolm,
    thanks for the feed back.
    Yes the lady with the camera was supposed to be the main subject; but I agree she is a bit small (and too central). The actual distortion was what was captured in camera, I only made a slight adjustment to the white balance setting in Adobe Raw, then used Photoshop Elements 9 to sharpen the lady. I agree the guy on the right, the lady with the purple bag and the pram do distract from my initial composition idea. I was trying to portray a busy market, with everybody rushing around,with the exception of one lady concentrating on her picture. Think I lost my way a bit, never mind 51 week to go, lol.

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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Hi Malcolm,
    I agree the guy on the right, the lady with the purple bag and the pram do distract from my initial composition idea. I was trying to portray a busy market, with everybody rushing around,with the exception of one lady concentrating on her picture. Think I lost my way a bit, never mind 51 week to go, lol.
    Great concept and very well executed. If it was not for the guy on the right and the pram this would have been a perfect portrayal of the busy market with only 2 people standing still and everyone else zooming about. Wouldn't it be nice to have a production company to move things (and people) out of the way.


  7. #7
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Thanks Wendy,
    I took the wife, but she was busy shopping. I agree she could have used her organisational skills, to get everybody in the right place at the right time, allowing me to get the perfect picture (just a dream). I know she can do this, I've done everything she's told me for 30 years now. lol
    Thanks for the feed back.

  8. #8

    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    John, I like Candid shots. 2 items distract from her being the focus of my eye, the baby buggy on the left, and they bald guy on the right, but only because they are stationary and in focus.


  9. #9
    PBelarge's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Why not try a little vignette and see if that does not help focus on your subject...

  10. #10
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Thank you all for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.
    I have had another try, using my limited PP skills; still not exactly what I wanted but I have tried to include some of your ideas. Could not get rid of the pram or man on the right without cropping, so have posted two updates to see what you all think.
    Too much over the top now, I think. Roll on next week.
    Once again many thanks.

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)
    Last edited by JPS; 2nd January 2012 at 02:39 AM.

  11. #11
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Like many of the members on CiC, I would describe my Photography skills as

    Week 1:
    'Totally unaware'
    This Lady had no idea I was taking her picture; this is our local London street market. Just liked the whole 'street life' feel. Hopefully with everybody's help, in 52 weeks time I will feel more comfortable taking this type of shot.
    Is the Lady to small in the frame? She was supposed to be the main subject.
    I wait for your comments and guidance.

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)
    From the top of the frame to the bottom she is almost perfectly posed (the feet cut off is a minor setback), regarding the width the amount shown gives a sense of place and you would have lost the hustle and bustle of the crowd with a tigher crop. Nice image.

  12. #12
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Allen or "Lurchy" is fine

    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    i like the first of ur cropped version. To me she kinda looks like a 3d object. Unfortinatly the pram is a bit distracting, and you cant put motion blurr onto it cause of the women greeting the baby. But love it non the less

  13. #13

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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    I think both of your edits are an improvement on the original. I like the second one it still shows enough movement and context to make the point.


  14. #14

    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Thank you all for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.
    I have had another try, using my limited PP skills; still not exactly what I wanted but I have tried to include some of your ideas. Could not get rid of the pram or man on the right without cropping, so have posted two updates to see what you all think.
    Too much over the top now, I think. Roll on next week.
    Once again many thanks.

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    In the first edit give it a 0 degree 30 pixel motion blur, but give the viewer grounding by adding back in the ceiling and floor:

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Alternately on the Crop giving everything back but the baby stroller and woman with purple bag:

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)


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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Thanks all for your comments.
    Ryo, giving back the ceiling and the floor is a great idea, that's the version I like the best and would have never thought of it myself, appreciate the help.

  16. #16
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Thank you all for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.
    I have had another try, using my limited PP skills; still not exactly what I wanted but I have tried to include some of your ideas. Could not get rid of the pram or man on the right without cropping, so have posted two updates to see what you all think.
    Too much over the top now, I think. Roll on next week.
    Once again many thanks.

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)
    You could try the blur tool on the big guy.

  17. #17
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryogenetic View Post

    Alternately on the Crop giving everything back but the baby stroller and woman with purple bag:

    Project 52 by John Silk (JPS)

    This was a great idea. I love the way it really makes her stand out in what seams to be a fast paced crowded market. I love the idea behind this shot. Great work.

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