Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
I would say "very beautiful picture Antonio!" for the composition, colour, details etc etc but this view turn me quite unhappy... :( anyway, speaking about photogrphy, I think it is a very good reportage shot my compliments thanks for sharing Post Scriptum viewing again, I prefer the smaller frame of the first version
cheers nicola
Hello Nicola :) Thank you for your comment. :) Don't feel unhappy as this is a most common situation in India. The weather is hot and the marble/ground is not cold. This is trivial :)
In the shot I have done of the woman with the baby the problem is that the 20D is not very fast at focusing. Or at least not so fast as I would like it to be. I saw her, grab the camera and shot. The focusing is not perfect because the camera is rather old. Or perhaps it's just me, not holding the camera as I should...
I need a top one :D:D
The second image is more to a wall that to the web. The large canvas has a better impact on the wall than it has on the screen.
Cheers :)
Originally Posted by
This photograph I think you have taken in temple in the afternoon
Indeed Ashwin. :) You are right.
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Antonio, sorry for my ignorance.. why do you say
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
Not very technically perfect
I really like this one :eek:
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Antonio, sorry for my ignorance.. why do you say. I really like this one :eek:
I can see that it is not perfectly sharp. I may have shacked just a very very little bit. :o
I know that at the moment, I just took the camera and shot. I know it was sleeping and when I pushed the button for the first time she was already focusing and then shooting. It is also true that sometimes, I tend to move the camera towards the end of the shot or just after it, too quickly. :o
My wife likes this image very much :)
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Thank you Tobias for posting here, in this thread I started some time ago :)
What immediately stroke me in your image is the fact that you do have a shadow of the model. As you do have on the other images of this set. :)
Perhaps you could improve your image trying to get more light on the shadows... :o
You are lucky to have such a nice model :) Was it a bounced flash ?
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Emotive portrait :)
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
I thought this would be an easy but effective photo;)
In the end, we ran out of Dandelions:(, but this one is almost there:)
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
I thought this would be an easy but effective photo;)
In the end, we ran out of Dandelions:(, but this one is almost there:)
The lady is blowing too hard and the young boy on our right is hardly blowing. That's not fair :D:D
Thank you Steve. Nice conversion to black and white in a sweet family picture. :)
Now, how about mine from today ?
Perhaps the angle of his shoulders is not the best ... :o and his head could have a better rotation than this one... Or is it dynamic enough ? HHuuummm... (a sound like cows do :D)
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Only a mother could love... A face :)
Sorry about that.
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Thank you Jack for your post of this young lady. :)
In spite of being a bit dark or perhaps because of it, you have here a nice portrait enhanced with the bright colours of the background.:)
However, I kindly ask you either to erase the post with the animal or make it small as here portraits are supposed to be only of Humans, in spite of the quality of the picture. Excuse me for asking so. I hope you do understand. :) Thank you :)
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
The lady is blowing too hard and the young boy on our right is hardly blowing. That's not fair :D:D
Thank you Steve. Nice conversion to black and white in a sweet family picture. :)
Now, how about mine from today ?
Perhaps the angle of his shoulders is not the best ... :o and his head could have a better rotation than this one... Or is it dynamic enough ? HHuuummm... (a sound like cows do :D)
Simple but very effective Antonio:D
I think maybe you are right with the slope on the shoulders being too steep:)
Regardless, my wife says he is a handsome fellow:eek:
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Simple but very effective Antonio:D
I think maybe you are right with the slope on the shoulders being too steep:)
Regardless, my wife says he is a handsome fellow:eek:
I have replaced the image from the first post because I thought it was too much towards the red.
Yes, he is a handsome man. He is from Moldova. This is one image of the many I want to do about immigrants in Portugal from various nationalities. He works in Sines, the port the Chinese want to buy.
Here is his daughter which photo is also part of Immigrants.
Very sophisticated set of light: one white sheet over a window ! :) She was enough away from the wall not to create any shadow.
Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
I have replaced the image from the first post because I thought it was too much towards the red.
Yes, he is a handsome man. He is from Moldova. This is one image of the many I want to do about immigrants in Portugal from various nationalities. He works in
Sines, the port the Chinese want to buy.
Here is his daughter which photo is also part of Immigrants.
Very sophisticated set of light: one white sheet over a window ! :) She was enough away from the wall not to create any shadow.
It just goes to show you don't always need the newest, best, most expensive kit:)
Doesn't she have fantastic eyes:cool:
Do you plan to show the immigrants in context of the work they are doing or just as you have posted these?