I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions; On the other hand, I am a believer in setting goals and making plans to achieve them. Project 52 has been the goal! This morning I took the time to review my P52 from the beginning to end! I was hoping for a revelation or noticeable improvement as I passed from page to page. Nothing stood out, so I went back again, this time something did stand out. It wasn't the images that had improved!! My discovery was this: in the course of a year; I have refined and honed my skills with my camera! I have learned alot of things from trial and error. (first I try then you show me my error)I would encourage any of you who are reading this; to undertake a Project 52 of your own. It is an ideal way to take note of anything you learn or ways to get a better outcome.
As this will be my last photo entry to complete the project, I would like to say thank you for your feedback and support.