I figured I would get an early start to this weeks entry. I have to work this Saturday. So this week I got to combine two things I really like....Cars and pictures. A friend asked me to help put in his engine back in his Porsche. Now as you may know a Porsche 930 has its motor and transmission held in with only 4 bolts. Easy right? Its just 4 bolts....
Our first task was to attach the transmission back onto the engine.
Task one complete:
Here is a shot of its home:
Sliding the engine under the car, then setting the car back down:
Its a slow process and there is not much room for error:
Finally car is back down on the jack stands, engine is bolted up, engine jack is removed, time to start bolting up the half shafts:
Engine in, half shafts bolted up now for all the fun bits, like the clutch cable, throttle cable and all the hoses and wires:
Stay tuned I did get some good shots that I need to sit back and edit. As continuing note I did very little post on this set of photos, ACR, Levels, crop. I have noticed that I need a better ultra wide lens, I shot these with my 25mm and with greasy fingers, I set it to auto mode.