Originally Posted by
Rob Douglas
Hey Dave, you did a fine job of assessing you image. I see the blowout you're speaking of in the upper left of his cuff on the hand handling the coal. Very minor and would most likely be toned down fairly easy with a brush.
As for the building not being timber, you could use a brush to soften the focus on the background between & above the fence posts to minamize this. Might actually make the gentleman stand out a bit more.
Have you considered a high contrast B&W conversion or maybe even a sepia treatment? That might give you more of the period look you're after. Over all I like this shot. You did well to capture it in the lighting conditions you where in with the 18-200. How well would the D5000 hold up to ISO 1600? There really didn't seam to be any dark areas that would have created noise that PP couldn't handle.