The story is that we had a family get together over the weekend. I have had this idea in mind for some time to take portraits of the family so I took the opportunity to haul down my camera gear and set up in the lounge room and basically took photos of everyone (except for the little ones).
It was a little off putting because I'm just an amateur and I got a bit of stick for having a flash on a stand and someone holding a diffuser to try and create some soft light. To say that there were members that were a little reluctant is an understatement. I find myself a little self conscious in this regard, I don't consider myself any good and I sort of shy away from the attention at the best of times so drawing attention to myself with a big camera and lighting was not my cup of tea. However, I got over it and that was a lesson in itself.
So without further ado - the actual album is on photo bucket with the link below.
In the interests of posting an image on here - meet my mum!
In terms of this specific shot - I think generally it is OK. Probably could have used a little fill light on the right but unfortunately only one VAL and limited interest from the family sort of prevented doing much more than a single light and rapid fire photos.
My series was shot on a black background (well technically lower ambient background). This sort of happened by accident. Going back across the series, the first couple were shot against a coloured wall. As photos they looked probably a bit more effective. However in hindsight I am happy that I shot against black because it is something repeatable that I can set up anywhere to capture whoever was missed and retain consistency. Something on the wish list for the rest of the year is a second flash so I can start experimenting with white clean backdrops.
I hope you all enjoy. In the end I am very proud of what I have produced and encourage everyone else to give it a go!