Hi Brigitte
Nice photo you got there. I love those cloudy bright blue skies in spring. I also like to take pictures of it a lot. But now about your photo. I like the colours very much. I also like the composition, the (difference in) depth works very well for me. The grass on the foreground, the field, the trees and the sky are a nice combination.
Besides that I think the trees are a bit too dark overall. Especially the big tree on the right draws my eye to it's big black place in the middle. Maybe you should ask other members of this forum about some tips to avoid this (would also be quite usefull for me)
It looks like the photo is a bit turned. I think it would look better if you straightened the photo in photoshop, but it could be also be my sense for boring compositions. So if you like it this way, just keep it like this.
btw. nice photos you take with a compactcamera
I can't see what was wrong with the original; a nice bit of rural countryside with an interesting sky
I suspect that some confusion has crept in over use of shadow controls - they are excellent for when the shadow is also concealing important details and information, but shadow is needed to maintain 3 dimensional modelling and don't mind it approaching or even going slightly past black
Another vote for the original: I love skies like that ("with character", I like to say), and I like the contrast between green and blue and the division the darker tree line produces.
Add me to the "I preferred the original" list please
But I do agree you achieve good results with a compact