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Thread: Project 52 by Bob R

  1. #61
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    I was going to suggest raising the black point Looks better, but the fact that the scene is reds, greens, and white (or variations of) I think is going to be a challenge to really make the scene stand out as a monochrome of some sort. To be honest, given that it's the raw file in colour above, I think it has a lot more potential as a colour with little PP to bring out a bit more colour to make the roof lines stand out against the trees.

  2. #62

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Yep, inclined to agree with you. I hate quiting something, but just to go on is in this case useless. Which means what I had planned for next week I have to change too. I was going from city living scape to urban. Don't think I try that one again. Time to come up with something else

    thanks for all your comments. I did learn off of this regardless.

  3. #63
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderBob View Post
    Yep, inclined to agree with you. I hate quiting something, but just to go on is in this case useless. Which means what I had planned for next week I have to change too. I was going from city living scape to urban. Don't think I try that one again. Time to come up with something else

    thanks for all your comments. I did learn off of this regardless.
    Don't get disheartened Bob, the last is the best.

    If there weren't both red and green roofs, possibly a mono conversion that messed with the colour gains would have worked better - like using coloured filters with FP4 in the old days

    In my view, the Lytebox transition from your first image without poles (back) to the one with poles, is something every town planner (and utility company chief) should be subjected to in training - to educate them that once overhead poles becomes 'the norm', "picturesque" is no longer a term suitable for the area
    (and don't get me started on advertising hoardings )

    Soooo glad I live in UK where poles are far less common and, due to the planning laws, so are the hoardings.

    Apologies for the off topic rant


  4. #64

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Don't get disheartened Bob, the last is the best.

    If there weren't both red and green roofs, possibly a mono conversion that messed with the colour gains would have worked better - like using coloured filters with FP4 in the old days ,
    Wow, I remember those filters, screwing them on my Rolex, twin lens reflex, worked fine with film. I remember Mel mentioning them as well, just didn't put it together. Hmmmm, I should acquire a set of filters for my use again - maybe. Or just learn how to paint the filter in maybe . Ahhhh, so much to do and learn - so little time.

    Well on to the next - going for a ride and walk today.

    My memory is a little short, I believe the filters didn't screw on, but turned 90, bayonet style in those very early days. hmmm, that means I should remember it better
    Last edited by SpiderBob; 17th February 2012 at 05:44 PM.

  5. #65

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob Rb - week 9

    I know, a couple days early. I went South of these buildings and took some pictures looking North, but the sun was just not right, so went a long way toward the East too many hot spots and too many 'green' trees in the way with no filter to use. So settled on the one from the North looking South. The reflection caught my attention.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  6. #66
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob Rb - week 9

    That one I love I wish I had buildings like that around here to capture. The different buildings have a nice variety of textures and tones that make this B&W work. The reflection looks great and is framed nicely by the buildings around it - with the rooflines leading from the bottom set of buildings bringing you straight to it.

    I think the only thing I would love to see is the horizontal lines in your capture all level - perspective distortion I suspect from the angle you're capture the photo at and I'm not sure if it's achievable. The vertical lines look perfect but if you could get all of the horizontal lines to align I think it would really set the photo off.

    Nice job!

  7. #67

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob Rb - week 9

    It is horizontal in the middle of the building and then goes both ways from there. I can straighten the top 1/2 but then the bottom 1/2 is worse it has to go the other way. Is there a way to do half the picture and not lose the middle while you are doing that and then turn around and do the lower 1/2 the opposite way and again not lose the center. I tired all way given by elements. I think this one is set the way it is. But thanks for the comments.

    Not done, I can do this.
    Last edited by SpiderBob; 20th February 2012 at 05:55 AM.

  8. #68

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    I think I did it. I had to use a combination of skew, distort, prospective to finally come up with this:

    Project 52 by Bob R

  9. #69
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    I think you have That is excellent work!

  10. #70

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    thanks, now what in the heck am I going to do next week. Got to tell you, I've never walked so far downtown here as I have this last few months. And the people I've meant, have been really nice, they all seem to have a story.

  11. #71
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderBob View Post
    thanks, now what in the heck am I going to do next week. Got to tell you, I've never walked so far downtown here as I have this last few months. And the people I've meant, have been really nice, they all seem to have a story.
    Sounds like you have all you need for your next photo there - stories of people that you've met

  12. #72

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Mal, I'm going to hold off on photographing people yet, not ready for that one So, here is one more piece of history. This is the 'old' Los Angeles City Hall. I had to climb to get this picture.It's early in the morning before sunrise.
    Project 52 by Bob R

    raised the black point, thinking I like this one better.
    Project 52 by Bob R

    This final one is pretty much as it came, very little PP and it is as I remember taking it. The building was backlit and this shows it more. I like the first one for the tones, but as I said this one is more, for the lack of a better word, natural

    Project 52 by Bob R
    Last edited by SpiderBob; 25th February 2012 at 06:33 AM. Reason: adding pic

  13. #73

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Yes, Bob, that last shot has a much better sky.

    I don't think it really matters that the building is a little dark because the internal lights through the windows give a definite morning/evening overall look. Which adds to the general 'atmosphere of the scene'.

  14. #74
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    It's a toss up between the last two for me - I like the tone of the building in the second photo and the sky in the third.

  15. #75

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    thank you gentlemen, funny how the last one had the least work, and seems to win out. Perhaps I'm trying to do too much in my PP, I'm going to cut back just a bit and see what plays out next week. I get some time this week I might try a new edit in combining the sky of one to the subject of the other, now that will be interesting .

    Thanks again,

  16. #76

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    OK, darker sky with previous building. I had a line (not bright but brighter) around the building when I used the magic wand to capture the sky (after I had finished). It was maybe 2 to 3 pixels wide. I had to go back again and make a separate layer and capture the bright line surrounding the building and taken that up to look like the rest. Is this common? Or am I doing something wrong? For the most part it is gone, but took maybe 5 more layers to get rid of it.I just noticed that the picture I uploaded is not as dark as the picture I am looking at on my computer. I used the darker building picture above, but in this version after darkening the sky, the building looks lighter - is that because the sky is darker? But as I was saying the whole picture is not as dark as the one I'm looking at on my computer.

    I figured it out, I did yesterdays edit on my work computer, last nights on my home, and looking at it now (at work, shhhhhh) it as it was yesterday. I've got to start editing only on my home computer.Project 52 by Bob R
    Last edited by SpiderBob; 26th February 2012 at 06:48 PM. Reason: add pic

  17. #77

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Often, and particularly when shooting into the light, Bob, a slight 'fringe' surrounds hard edges; which can make complicated manipulation doubly difficult.

  18. #78
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Often, and particularly when shooting into the light, Bob, a slight 'fringe' surrounds hard edges; which can make complicated manipulation doubly difficult.
    Yep - I get that a lot with some of my photos too.

  19. #79

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Thanks guys, believe it or not that does make me feel better

  20. #80

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R week 10 "My work place"

    More of a "OK, here we are at work" picture this time. I need a different approach and am going to try this, from within. This is my work place. It is a relatively dark area, my intention is to focus that in front to that beyond at 90' away

    Project 52 by Bob R

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