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Thread: Project 52 by Bob R

  1. #101

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    Bob R

    Re: Project 52 by Bob R week 12 "L.A. CATHEDRAL"

    OK, so I was going to post a picture of something of the past as I still don't have my camera back. However I just noticed that in post 99 above, that is not my picture, in fact it is far from the cathedral that I had there and there is a picture missing in another post above that #95. ?????

  2. #102
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R week 12 "L.A. CATHEDRAL"

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderBob View Post
    OK, so I was going to post a picture of something of the past as I still don't have my camera back. However I just noticed that in post 99 above, that is not my picture, in fact it is far from the cathedral that I had there and there is a picture missing in another post above that #95. ?????
    Hi Bob,

    We know we are having troubles with TinyPic, so much so, a method of backup has been introduced.

    However, I am not sure whether that has kicked in on this occasion (possibly these are too old), so could you leave this until Sean has had a chance to see it please.

    In the fullness of time, I'm afraid you will have to upload both pictures again

    Do you have any account with PBase, Flickr, etc?
    What size were the pictures?
    If 700px, they could go in an album here at CiC.


  3. #103

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R week 12 "L.A. CATHEDRAL"

    Well, sense I had time on my hands I did my spring clean up on the computers. I have it but.........

    so if it is not handy, then perhaps we just delete from 95 on and I'll start from there again, when I get my camera back that is, no big deal.


  4. #104

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Wow! Have I been gone the long that I have to now sign in to upload pictures? Anyway, I'm back, for the last 60 days or so, my wife and I have been moving from one county to another. What a time consuming job it has been for the both of us. Two old folks did it all ourselves! get back to basics, I took a picture of my work in the back yard. I tried to capture the evening light along with the artificial light that I added. It could be that I'm just to fond of all the work I've done so I really need some good old fashion comments here, please.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  5. #105
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiderBob View Post get back to basics, I took a picture of my work in the back yard. I tried to capture the evening light along with the artificial light that I added. It could be that I'm just to fond of all the work I've done so I really need some good old fashion comments here, please.
    Hi Bob,

    It certainly looks nice! You can come and do mine if you like

    The photo is a good documentary shot of what you have achieved.
    EXIF data; Canon Rebel T2i at 18mm, 30 seconds, f/5.6 at iso 100.

    Clearly there's a lot going on; distant mountains, waving trees, sharp foreground, light patterns from the lamps.
    A few things I noticed ...
    The posts are not quite parallel to the edge of the image
    The mountains might be a bit camera shaken
    The bench at the back attracts a lot of attention due to its shape and brightness

    However, it has a nice balance of illumination and exposure, I can see everything I want to

    Not sure how helpful that was

  6. #106

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Thank you Dave for you comments, however, I put a grid on the picture and the columns line up perpendicular to the grid, did I miss something here, should I have used something else for alignment? Hmmm, I think we had an earthquake that day, that would explain the shaken mountains , actually I see what you are saying but not sure how I would have avoided that, perhaps a better lens. I did think of toning down the bench, but not sure why I didn't really. I will tone that down and see what it looks like.

    Thank you,

  7. #107

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R

    Toned down version and yes, I think this is better to my perspective anyway, thanks Dave.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  8. #108

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - TimeWorks

    So I had to deal with not only shadows but light in different directions creating unusual reflections. All in all I like it, not that there is nothing wrong with it, just not sure what direction to go from here. I used vertical lines with a grid to line it up as I was off center to shoot it. Straight on, just didn't look appealing to me. Perhaps I should add sepia to it, but I want to start here and see what you say about it. Woa, having problems uploading, I'll try for the third time. OK still no go, going for 4. I'll try latter Got It.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  9. #109

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - TimeWorks

    OK, so the more I kept looking at the above photograph, the more I noticed that there was a certain amount of distortion. So this one I removed a lot of it at the cost of some of the picture itself.

    What do you think?

    Project 52 by Bob R

  10. #110

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    I have been way busy the last few months, so my pictures are not going to be quite to the week. But for my latest I was walking around (downtown again) and found this one to be quite interesting to me. Comments are welcome as always to anything with it.


    Project 52 by Bob R

  11. #111

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    I don't have any serious problems with the original clocks photo, Bob.

    With the last image, I am finding the top a little confused. I think I would try a crop from the top and right side to simplify things.

    Possibly lose everything above the base of the white verticals?

  12. #112

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    Geoff - it is quite busy up there isn't it. Try this, I have no problem with losing a lot of extra at the top and perhaps even the concrete path on the bottom is not needed for the same effect. I came up with this:

    Project 52 by Bob R

  13. #113

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    My thoughts, Bob, was to leave that bit of path to retain an 'anchor of reality' and to show the name at the top of the building, which helps to put everything into context.

    But your edit is quite an acceptable alternative.

  14. #114

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    My thoughts, Bob, was to leave that bit of path to retain an 'anchor of reality' and to show the name at the top of the building, which helps to put everything into context.

    But your edit is quite an acceptable alternative.
    I always like trying different perspectives. I did so here (I think this is what you are saying) and I like it much better. Yes, the sidewalk gives it purpose, a factor of knowing what you are looking at for the lack of better words - thank you, as always.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  15. #115

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - Reflection

    That is exactly how I imagined it, Bob.

  16. #116

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - B&W tribute to Neil

    I wish I could go to the moon.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  17. #117

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - B&W back to LA'a skyline

    I know it's been a while, but it been a tuff few months, dealing with my motorcycle accident and two weeks ago, I broke a bone in my hand, (that hurts) so it's been out of commission, using left hand for everything, kind of tuff holding a camera let alone using the shutter button, it's my right hand that I injured. OK so here is my newest pic done all left handed

    I took this mainly because in about a years time this skyline is dramatically going to change. It might be good, I don't know, but I will record it.

    Project 52 by Bob R

  18. #118

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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - B&W back to LA'a skyline

    Always worth recording anything which is going to change, Bob. In 50 or 100 years time these shots will prove interesting, as long as you make sure they get handed on to the right people.

    Basically a well balanced shot here, although I would like to see more or less of that tiny sliver of a building on the right.

    ps. good clear moon shot.

  19. #119
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - B&W back to LA'a skyline

    Sorry to hear about the health-related problems, Bob. Hope recovery progresses well.

    Geoff makes a very good point. We sometimes forget that we are in the perfect position to make documentary records of things that are changing. I think everyone assumes that someone else must be doing it, "so I won't bother".

  20. #120

    Join Date
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    Bob R

    Re: Project 52 by Bob R - B&W back to LA'a skyline

    thank you Geoff, thank you Donald. I am downtown a lot, so I get to see the changes happening over the last 45 years. It's only the last, maybe 5, that I've been recording some of those major changes.


    What silver building on the right are you spotting??

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