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Thread: Project 52 by Dora

  1. #41

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora Week 6, 7 and 8

    Quote Originally Posted by dulceza;190131[IMG[/IMG]
    I really like the idea here Dora. I'm thinking it would be very moving if someone was sitting on the bench and DOF was shallower with the focus on either the person on the bench or the tomstone. Of course I wouldn't expect you to impose on someone's private moments but perhaps you could take a friend with you. Hope you still have some snow though, I think the shot with someone there in the winter makes it more powerful.


  2. #42

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    I really like the woodpecker Dora. The others are great too, but I like the context of the woodpecker shot.


  3. #43
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    Quote Originally Posted by dulceza View Post
    This week I had plenty of visitors- spring is around the corner so I tried to capture some of the fun and excitement outdoors . My 200mm is too short for birding , a 300mm would be much better.
    C&C much appreciated.

    Project 52 by Dora

    Project 52 by Dora


    Project 52 by Dora
    I think with birds the longer the lens the better!

    The reds of cardinal contrasts very well against the blue sky. I think I would have liked to have seen a more side on shot but you have what you have with birds I think - they just don't always pose perfectly for you, do they?

    The woodpecker shot looks nice and sharp. I'd be inclined to crop the negative space to the right and turn it into a portrait - but that's just me.

    The chickadee is also nice and sharp but so is the tree trunk on the left. I'd probably try to either blur it by removing sharpness and clarity or crop it all together so your attention stays on the bird.

    In all of the photos I think you've captured the birds very well.

  4. #44

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora Week 6, 7 and 8

    I really like the idea
    . Thank you Wendy, the plan was to understand and eventually to use the Bryan Peterson's storytelling aperture idea. It didn't work out. The image evoke a certain mood (as loneliness, sadness etc) but figuring out how to capture that mood it proved to be somewhat difficult.

  5. #45

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    Thank you Mal and Wendy, you are very kind. These pictures are "my best" after 3hx2days of struggle.No, they won't pose for you. The cardinals will perch in the top of a tree, the chickadee will hide behind branches...
    I want to be able to get some decent pictures of birds from backyard using my 70-200mm without cropping heavily.
    Is it too much to hope for?

  6. #46
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    Dora I think you have done quite well with having used 200mm. About the only thing you can do is get closer. A small make shift blind in the back yard that you can sit behind can work wonders. Many times if feeding them regular they will get used to you if you are out there enough. I know when I had my 75-300mm I struggled to get shots as nice as yours here. Well done!

  7. #47
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    Hi Dora, I think you have done exceptionally well, you have nice eye focus on all three, I agree with Paul about getting closer, I find the birds get used to having you around, I also find a feeder or waterbath placed in areas where you can see and shoot from but remain out of sight works well also, you can set up tripod and remote and just wait

  8. #48
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    Quote Originally Posted by dulceza View Post
    I want to be able to get some decent pictures of birds from backyard using my 70-200mm without cropping heavily.
    Is it too much to hope for?
    I think the sentiment that 'the longer the lens the better' does hold true. However, just one caveat to add to that for consideration.

    I think the proportion of bird to the whole scene in each of the three images is good (if you see what I mean).

    It may well be that, at times, we want the subject bird to fill the frame and,yes we need big lenses for that. But I think these images carry a more powerful narrative because the story is not just the bird. To me, the story is about the bird in its surroundings. And these are good examples of that.

  9. #49

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora

    About the only thing you can do is get closer.
    “If your photos aren’t good enough, then you’re not close enough” – Robert Capa, I have to remember that every time, thank you, Paul-I liked very much your brown-capped chickadee

    the birds get used to having you around
    Usually they grab a seed at feeder to eat elsewhere, and here comes the problem, I have a lot of buds, branches to clone out,
    so probably patience, tripod and remote will be my best allies. Thank you Wendy, time to use my tripod

    we want the subject bird to fill the frame
    you're right Donald, especially if it's a small bird, that's almost impossible- and yes, it's a good idea to include a little bit of the background in order to get a sense of proportion
    Thank you, Donald

  10. #50

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..10

    I'm not sure, I think these last two weeks, I didn't post so, here are my entries. I tried some hazy shots.
    What has been the most challenging part for me? Definitely the post processing.
    Please tell me what you think,
    Thank you,
    Project 52 by Dora

    Project 52 by Dora

  11. #51

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..11

    And these are 2 of my lucky shots from last week. First is a rare bird from Ontario- a bohemian waxwing and the second is a red and blue parrot (both SOOC)
    C&C much appreciated
    thank you,

    Project 52 by Dora

    Project 52 by Dora

  12. #52
    Wendy Stanford's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..11

    Hi Dora,
    I think the landscape with the person is wonderful, has great composition with the person and the trees just right. the stripey colour in the foreground adds interest.
    #1, like the building and the mist but find the foreground a little distracting, wonder what it would look like if the area of foreground with the water in it was cropped ?
    #3, great capture, nicely in focus, very difficult to get the eye when they are above you.
    #4 Very nice colour, good lighting, great detail of the feathers, well done

  13. #53
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..11

    Everything that Wendy said for me as well Dora. The landscape shots are great - I'd definitely struggle to capture anything like that. I do agree that the first one could use a crop - some off the foreground and the right for balance and to keep the foreground from grabbing your attention to much.

    #3 I think could use a bit more exposure. #4 is great - excellent clarity, sharpness, and DoF.

  14. #54

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..11

    Hi Wendy,
    I've tried few versions, but finding the right balance between foreground and building is quite difficult. As you can see if I crop the foreground the building will ocupy the whole space, no depth, somehow flat
    Project 52 by Dora


    Project 52 by Dora
    Thank you for your helpful comments, please let me know if is better now.

  15. #55

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    Re: Project 52 by Dora week ..11

    I think could use a bit more exposure
    very difficult to get the eye when they are above you
    How to get the eyes when they are perching on the top of the tree? I must admit, I was very happy to capture those, even without eyes
    Thank you Malcolm
    Last edited by dulceza; 29th March 2012 at 02:00 AM.

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